Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-25-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-25-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions2-25-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 What is the rate that they will leave their borders and be done with the internal float? 1 to 1. How long will it float externally into the markets in the currency reform? I don’t know. ‘I don’t care.’ Why? ‘I only have a million dinar.’ Oh. ‘I care’ Why? ‘I have a lot of dinars.’ For those of you that have a lot of dinars that are going to be paying attention to this next phase – It will be well managed and well controlled in the float…

2-25-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat There is some amazing news and it falls directly in line of what we should be expecting at this point in time. We all should realize by now the IQD is no longer pegged to the dollar…When I reviewed the Dr. Shabibi 2011 plan of the process to reinstate the Iraqi dinar…that part of the process would be to de-peg for the dollar then watch for inflation…This period of adjusting for inflation could take a few days, weeks or even months…We must now settle down and relax while we watch the process play out.

2-24-2023 Newshound/Intel Gurus Walkingstick & Frank26 They are explaining to the citizens all the details of the currency reform. This is the CBI’s 2nd stage…it is the how, when, why and where of the 2nd stage of the currency reform…The currency reform will introduce the new exchange rate and the new small category notes.

2-24-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 The 2 questions that are constantly being asked of me – What is the date? What is the rate? …the rate in the articles – they’re going to float the dinar. They make it very plain and simple that their goal is to try to be at least 1 to 1 with the Iraqi dinar when they float…the rate right now is 1300 maybe soon it’ll be 1190, maybe 1000 to 1…

2-24-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I have a contact with a banking story…they said their bank (a major bank) drive through was closed…the ATM was down for work…they had a conversation with a long time banking contact there who said they were updating and changing their drive throughs and ATMs for our new currency…huge news in my book…Its getting harder and harder to hide this from the rank and file workers…they know they are getting new equipment…Some of this new equipment is to verify foreign currency so they can exchange them…they are keeping this so compartmentalized in the banking sector…they know something huge is happening…If they were told…that many foreign currencies will soon be worth a lot…how many of these employees would still be around in the future? So they try to keep them in the dark…

2-24-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Historic collapse.. The Iranian currency records 5 million per 100 dollars” Quote: “The decline of the Iranian currency comes despite the recent steps taken by the regime, including the appointment of Muhammad Reza Farzin as the new governor of the Central Bank on December 30, 2022…the riyal was trading at 315,000 riyals to the dollar when anti-government protests erupted in mid-September.”

2-24-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …a- boy are we ever close… we are at the precipice and we are looking very good…Iraq I believe has done what they were supposed to have done. Everything is positive …there does not appear to be anything else in the way of this going as far as we know…I’m not really seeing or feeling that things are holding us up at this point…

2-24-2023 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Parliament hosts the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq to discuss “the status of the dollar”. EXCHANGE RATE ON THE TABLE AGAIN.

2-24-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man The National Investment Commission…saying they’re going to adopt the Iraqi dinar in paying dues for housing… They’re getting rid of the MCPs (multi-currency practices). They are going to be paying dues/rents in dinar. This is the governmental process coming into play…The banking system has gone digital. They’ve gone to the new Swift system now the government is going and interconnecting with the new system…they’re going to be in…the dinar.

2-24-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Sudani again is telling Iraqi citizens to hold on to their dinars. They are talking about how we will lose money if we don’t. And that the dinar will gain value. FRANK: Sudani again this week comes out and tells the Iraqi citizens hold onto your dinars, don’t be trading them in for foreign currency/for American dollars…If it was not happening the way we think it’s happening they sure as heck wouldn’t tell them that…That is the most powerful, significant thing that is happening right now. Sudani and the governor of the CBI telling the Iraqi citizens don’t let go of your 3 zero notes, you’re going to be trading them in at a different rate of 1 to 1…

2-24-2023 Newshound/Intel Gurus Walkingstick & Frank26 When it floats internationally, the Iraqi dinar will be listed as an emerging or transitioning economy in the international marketplace…This is part of the monetary reform…

2-24-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy I got people out there telling me, ‘No Pimpy man they got an in-country rate versus an out-country rate.’ No they don’t. I told you guys I don’t know how many times that doesn’t make any sense. Do you understand if they had a different exchange rate compared to what the rest of the world has, the type of black market that would be created because of the 2 different rate changes? Does not make sense to you?

2-24-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Let’s pretend that in fact there is an in-country rate versus the rest of the world. Let’s say everybody outside of Iraq gets a rate of 1300…and the people on the inside of Iraq get 1000 dinars… Here’s the problem – Why wouldn’t I just have people outside of Iraq buy my Iraqi dinars for more and smuggle it to me in county? Because then for every dollar I’m getting an additional 300 dinars for every dollar…Does that make sense to you?

2-24-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Think about it…what ends up happening is you create a black market. Whether the exchange rate is better in-country or out of the country you’re sill going to have people buying dinars, selling them on the opposite side just so they can make more money. That’s why you won’t have an in-country rate…use a little common sense. That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. None whatsoever. There is no ‘in-country rate.’

2-24-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “PARLIAMENTARY ENERGY: THE OIL AND GAS LAW WILL PASS THIS SESSION AND WE ARE WAITING FOR IT TO ARRIVE” Draft oil and gas law…the Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee called on the government to send the final version of the draft oil and gas law, affirming its intention to proceed with enacting the law.

2-24-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: They say the new mechanism will be implemented in coming days to change the dollar exchange rate and to make the dinar more stable…we don’t know the change. In the coming days we expect it to be like 1190 but that’s just our guess. It could be better with this mechanism. FRANK: Yeah! It could be 1000…because that’s the prefect position.

2-24-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: What is HCL? MarkZ: Hydrocarbon Law. Its basically how they set up the profit sharing…for all the regions in Iraq…Including the Kurdish region. How they will spread the wealth around the country from all the revenue of precious metals, oik, natural gas etc…