Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-24-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-24-17

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-24-2017 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: “The financial adviser to the Prime Minister, the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, on Wednesday, that the exit of Iraq from the seventh item (UN Chapter VII) will provide an environment conducive to foreign investment.” …this statement concludes any questions of whether or not Iraq is “fully’ out of Chapter VII. Iraq is now under Chapter 6 of the UN Charter. Being down graded to Chapter 6 is very good news…So Iraq now operating under Chapter 6 just rejoined the club or normalcy. Quote: “Saleh said in a statement to “Economy News” that “THE CLIMATE OF INVESTMENT AND CREDIT RATING FOR IRAQ WILL RISE because many of the funds frozen by the United Nations of the oil-for-food programs and inspection teams and others will return their money to the state treasury.”

12-24-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 It has been reported to me that… 1. PM Abadi gave a speech in the Mosque informing the citizens that he has relinquished control of the economic reforms regarding the currency to the CBI. 2. Citizens cards are starting to show a new rate…slowly, but surely. Since the markets are closed until December 26, all focus and attention rests on that date for the earliest indication of the RV, but it could be a few days past that. Either way, your 2018 should begin with a big bang and lots of memories to share with future generations. Time Will Still Tell All!

12-23-2017 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article quote: “The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced the disruption of the official time in the departments, ministries and government institutions for Sunday and Monday on the occasion of the birth of Christ.” This is now putting us on a level playing field (think banking) and sets the stage for the Final 2 Articles. The timing of it allows them to Align tonight into Sunday..

12-23-2017 Intel Guru Frank26 RIGHT NOW ABADI IS A…METRONOME. HE KNOWS HOW MANY BEAT ARE NEEDED FOR A PERFECT RATE … IMO. HE HAS BECOME A MASTER OF…TIME. Impeccable timing. Article: “Trump signs a tax reduction law” Article: “Including the Arab .. Know the highest value currencies in the world for 2018″ THE TIMING OF TWO…ONLY TWO THINGS WE WAIT FOR. THIS IS NOT EITHER OF THEM BUT I ASK TWO QUESTIONS: 1.) WHY SHOW THIS DATA NOW? 2.) WHY IS ONLY IRAQ MISSING FROM THESE RANKS? BECAUSE IT’S ABOUT TIME? NO…BECAUSE IT’S ABOUT…TIMING. Article: “Oil climbs before the Christmas holiday” …OIL PRICES AT 60+ IN JANUARY OF 2018…TIMING.

12-23-2017 Intel Guru RayRen98 […are there any nuances or clues you can share about timing…like why you have been thinking this will go before 2017 ends…and what might be factors in delays?] I think that because that’s what people are telling me from Iraq, in the US, information in the news… Everything points that way, with Iraq wanting to get things wrapped up before the end of the year. The CBI Governor has given instructions to get debts settled before the end of the month, and banks are talking about rate changes in the next day or so.