Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-13-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-13-2020

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions12-13-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …we all know the value is way beyond what the program rate is. The CBI knows it too. So, let’s talk rate instead. If the rate of a 25,000 note was about $23 today then it will be $23 for the 25 note. No change in value. Get it? Easy! It is just the mind set in the Iraqi people that worries the CBI. How will they mentally deal with going back to the lower denominations. Remember they had lower denominations prior to the 2003 war. These larger three zero notes were only meant to be temporary and so it is time to convert back…finally…! Once this is done then the CBI will watch for inflation for about a week and then pull the trigger on the reinstatement and FLOAT the dinar on FOREX if all goes according to plan. The rate in the US on FOREX will be gauged on the new rate of the dinar according to the new basket it is assigned to. It will get off the “de-facto” peg strictly to the US dollar as it is today.


12-12-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “DESPITE ITS DEEP PROBLEMS”, AMERICAN MAGAZINE: IRAQ POSSESSES AMAZING POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH AND IS LEADING THE REGION” Iraq is going to be central distribution center for the middle east. It is poised perfectly geographically for this task. It will need a global currency on FOREX.

12-12-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article “The Council of Ministers votes tomorrow on the budget and it reaches Parliament on Tuesday” …Many of us are interested in seeing what’s gong to happen in the 2021 budget because there’s a ton of reasons to believe the new rate change is in there so we’re looking for that…

12-12-2020 Intel Guru Footforward [Is the general consensus that the dong will rv with the dinar?…] in my opinion at this point the dong will go after the dinar.

12-12-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “People of experience and confidence …. The Golden Triangle” Quote: “We wish success, success and repayment to the leaders of the Iraqi economy in their difficult mission…will undoubtedly succeed.” Sure looks like the have they system ready for change. The are effectively saying thank you to the three in the golden triangle…The minister of finance, the CBI Governor and the Investment Authority. Combine this with the meeting at the Presidents house last night, the Kurds getting their payments simultaneously and the borders with Saudi Arabia are talking about a $ Billion for the year and that in revenues at the borders within days will be upward…upwards imo is an increase…So for all these items and payments, letters of guarantees, salaries, etc. to all be in sync is very telling. They have the Golden Triangle to thank and they are, as this wasn’t an endeavor that started yesterday. It has been a massive work in progress. Lets see what they have to say in the coming days…It looks very good, as the rescue is underway. imo.

12-12-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “ADVISOR AL-KAZEMI: THE RISE IN THE DOLLAR IS TEMPORARY BUBBLES” The real reason for the spike in the dollar is the speculation when the news came out of the “project to delete the zeros”. Citizens under uncertainty (in their heads) run out and purchase dollars for their dinars. As usual demand brings the price up. But the article was honest in telling us this would be temporary, but not why it would be temporary. But we all know the real reason.

12-12-2020 Newshound Guru Pimpy …like you I’m curious to see what they’re going to put in the budget in terms of a rate. I know you are as well. Nonetheless don’t be upset or don’t be overly excited when you see the rate. I have a feeling it’s going to go up in increments. Keep an eye on it…

12-12-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 Everybody knows there’s a rate change coming for the Iraqi dinar. They know about the calculations. They know about the recalculations and the recalculations and the recalculations…IMO they’re done…do you understand they’re applying it? They are saying by the end of the year they will raise the value of their currency. Of course something could go wrong. Something could delay it. We’re talking about 3 weeks. It is well known by everyone that by the end of the year they will raise the value…the articles were not specific. they do no give you date. They did not give you the rate…IMO they’re going to be on par with the American dollar…