Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-29-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-29-16

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-29-2016 Intel Guru RayRen98 [Re: the “announcement made by the UN” — if the UN announced that they have RVed what is your best guess of when we should be able to exchange? Isn’t that the announcement we have been waiting for?] I would think so, but I haven’t found anything that supports that the UN made that announcement…no confirmation of that. The information is still good; some are hearing things from others that I am not hearing or not getting confirmation for. That doesn’t mean it’s not true, just that I haven’t heard the confirmations. Hopefully all of what you’re hearing is 100% true and accurate even though we haven’t seen it yet, nearly 24 hours later. We’ll just wait to hear. I’m excited about the weekend. Enjoy it! Everyone is still looking at the 1st November for this to come to a conclusion.

10-29-2016 Newshound Guru MadDScout Article: “The Central Bank succeeds in raising the value of Iraqi dinar to us dollar” I want everyone to keep their feet on the ground. We can only ever watch the action. When the action bears this out to be an accurate report, then I will throw a party. [IS this the only source of this sort of news?] No I have seen it in 5 places…5 sources… I am watching with both eyes.

10-29-2016 Newshound Guru rcookie Article: “Money experts discuss ways to get rid of the economic crisis in the province and the center” Quote: “The first session included numerous interventions made by Messrs participants from various official economic actors and university professors.” LOOK AT THIS MEETING AND THE ACTORS…MINISTER OF PLANNING JUMAILI…CBI GOVERNOR ALAK… FINANCIAL ADVISOR TO PM SALEH…KURDISTAN PLANNING MINISTER DR NABI…MINISTRY OF FINANCE UNDERSECRETARY HANDAL…HEAD OF IRAQI PRIVATE BANK ASSOCIATION ALATERCI…ALL MEETING AT DOHUK UNIVERSITY WORKSHOP TO DISCUSS THE ROLE OF CENTRAL BANK IN RESOLVING ECONOMIC CRISIS IN REGION AND THE COUNTRY…WOW!

10-28-2016 Newshound Guru MadDScout [Have all of the new ministers been approved?] Not yet…They are looking at the resume’s. The COM is now looking through the submitted names…Then once they have consensus it goes to parliament.

10-28-2016 Newshound Guru 1bobby [Have all of the new ministers been approved?] I think next weeks sessions will tell us a lot of where they are as far as Ministers.


10-28-2016 Newshound Guru MadDScout [Do you not think that Mosul is the lock, if Basra is the key? Iraq must have security stabilized.] I personally think Mosul is a big factor towards their social stability…And there are a lot of adjustment being made in the post Mosul discussion…There was a visit by the Speaker of parliament today in Erbil…There are what he called “adjustments” being made…and they infer territory and such as has “not been before”. [Do you think that will become Kurd territory?] I took it that not all would be happy with the new arangements but they were for the greater good of Iraq. That seems to be what is being discussed.

10-28-2016 Intel Guru Frank26 […are we in the 3 days till release?] …3 days…10 days…A month…End of December…We do not focus on a DATE but STUDY these days and their events. Which IMO have been substantial in our evaluation. The RI is INTERNAL and a NEUTRAL event…IOO (in our opinion). The gradual IQD increase is occurring but not familiar to a majority. Yes IOO at any moment they can surprise us…The International Investors… But not until their RI phase is complete and we said the Mosul Liberation is but ONE of these RI Steps.

10-28-2016 RUMOR Guru Bruce What we know and confirmed to us is around 3pm today [Thursday] the Secretary General of the UN made announcement that Iraq did RV their currency. This counts as the international announcement for Iraq. We could be there within a few hours or a day or so. Not a lot longer for us. Tomorrow [Friday] maybe significant date as far as UN Operational rates being put out. They could be put out or maybe not be seen. They typically put out the rate and be effected the first of the month which would be November 1. Iraq is done, RV announced in the UN today. They hit the rate they intended to hit. We should be at the point of pre celebration.

10-28-2016 Newshound Guru 1bobby [new Guru] Article: “Iraq opens complex “General Electric” technologies in the North Rumaila” [Basra] So now we are seeing the benefits of these contracts that were and have been signed in the previous months. And it’s also speaks to adding to the State Treasury. Basra’s security is also improving on a daily basis. I know others have called Basra the new Dubai of the Middle East.