Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-12-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-12-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions10-12-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 If you are a student of Forex you will be able to see right now the Iraqi dinar is trading in massive volumes. It is putting itself in position when the new exchange rate comes out.

10-12-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Expectations remain high and everyone remains all geared up for it.

10-12-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “For the second day…the dollar continues to decline against the Iraqi dinar”

10-11-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 I’m frustrated like you. I’m disappointed in Sudani although I should respect the process but dog-gone-it Sudani.

10-11-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Question: What is your gut saying right now Mark? My gut is screaming – right now!! I’m looking at all these diversions, and my gut is still screaming we are right on top of this thing…and that we are going at any moment…maybe even this week.

10-11-2023 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Iraq new signature 50,000-dinar note (B357e) confirmed”

10-11-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick Iraqi private banks vs. American banks banks what is the difference? Iraqi private banks will send the dinars to the CBI. The banks in America will send them to the US Treasury. You have a choice. Is there an advantage between American bank and Aki bank? There is none.

10-11-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] We have been told to be ready at any moment for notifications to come out. …we are just right on the edge of it. We’ve been told this thing is imminent. it’s right there. Everything’s done. …we’re looking…for our notifications and start of our exchanges within the next three days. Let’s see what manifests. Let’s see what happens.

10-11-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man The Central Bank of Iraq, the government of Iraq, the tripartite budget of Iraq – 2023, 24, 25 they haven’t spend any money yet…Why? Because they haven’t adjusted their exchange rate yet. Do they need to? I think they really do…June 12th they passed the trig-part type budget. It’s in the Gazette. There’s no amendments to it. If anybody has them, I like to see them…[Gurus] Jeff…Pimpy…Frank26 you guys are welcome to do that. Let’s see if they made any amendments to their budget. I don’t think they have.

10-11-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Alaq and Sudani are removing all foreign currency from your [Iraqi citizens’] country because they are protecting you and your national currency from any foreign terrorism. They are using all mechanisms…These mechanisms come from the CBI. They were structured by the monetary reform under Dr. Shabbibi. One of the last final things is to remove all foreign currency so you only have your currency in your country.

10-11-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] This is a big one and has got to have the US scrambling right now. “Al-Sudani confirms Iraq’s readiness to join the BRICS group” Why is this important? Iraq is signaling to the US they have a “PLAN B” that if they don’t let this go they can go without you. The US is holding billions of Iraqi dollars…and at some point they may just write those billions off so they can have freedom. I believe the US is now on a time schedule…they only have so much time left before Iraq joins the BRICS nations and no longer needs the US. To me this is a huge story.

10-11-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy I said several times that Iraq was on sanctions. They can’t do anything without the United States saying, ‘Hey it’s okay to do so.’ That included their budget. People like, ‘Pimpy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Pimpy’s wrong. Blah blah, blah.’ Article: “What does the US federal reserve have to do with the federal budget?” Quote: “…US
Federal Bank is behind the failure to release financial allocations in the budget…” Not that Iraq isn’t doing it – The US is holding this up…I told you these people can’t do anything without permission from the US…

10-11-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East You always come back to my words, to my sentence, [Guru] Piimpy just came back my sentence when I said only, ‘only the US can RV Iraq.’ It’s only the U.S. I’ve been telling you for year…the RV is in the hands of U.S. If U.S. tomorrow give green light to Iraq, Iraq will do whatever they wants. Iraq will be the richest country in the world with all the oil they got. They got more oil than Saudis…Venezuela …Russia, more than anybody else. They’ll be rich as hell. You see it.

10-11-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Sudani said the banks that did not have our money that we deposited have basically been using that money on the black market to make money with a high exchange rate and this will stop. They better come up with the month to pay our deposited money back or actions will be taken by the CBI toward these banks. He spoke to high end corruption and how this too will end. FRANK: I knew Sudani had everything under control but this is a little surprising to me. It is very good news.

10-11-2023 Intel Guru yada I guess they have stopped 95% of the smuggling. The rest will stop when the rate is changed which I still believe is about to happen.

10-11-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We do have people from the UN in Iraq today. “UN Security council to discuss Iraq: budget, security and human rights on the agenda” They are telling us how well the discussions went. They say Iraq is making great progress.