‘Iraq keen to end border issue’

Panel briefed on recent incident

KUWAIT CITY, March 17: The Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly Sunday during a meeting with Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Khalid Suleiman Al-Jarallah discussed the situation in the region and the Kuwaiti-Iraqi border incident last week.
Al-Jarallah attended on behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah. After the meeting Rapporteur of the Committee MP Taher Failakawi said the committee also received full explanation on the ongoing maintenance work on the Kuwaiti-Iraqi border signs. He pointed out the ministry delegation also appraised the committee on the latest incident.
He said the committee was informed the 205-km long border between the two countries from Salmi to Umm Qasr has been repaired and that the fence has been erected between both countries without any problems from either side.
He said the ministry has commended the cooperation although there is one point of contention which lies between Point 104 and Point 105. In accordance with UN Resolution 833, there should be clear vision between the two points “but this vision is hampered by three houses.”
He added according to the delegation the point has been stretched and after Kuwaiti government informed its Iraqi counterpart, some Iraqis spread rumors that bulldozers were deployed to demolish the houses and this prompted the Iraqis to pelt stones at the guards from their side of the territory. This prompted the securitymen from both sides to shoot in the air to disperse the troublemakers.
Al-Failakawi went on to say there are some farms between Point 80 and Point 90 which are owned by the Iraqis. He added Kuwait has compensated these farm owners through the United Nations to help the border demarcation to continue without hindrance.
He added both sides have agreed to build 200 housing units three kms away from the border. The sides have also agreed to demolish the houses which are in the close proximity of the border to avoid any breach in security.
Meanwhile, Failakawi said the committee recently hosted the Iraqi Ambassador to Kuwait and the latter briefed the Committee members on the political aspect in relation to the recent boarder incident.
He said what the Iraqi envoy has said is no different than what was said by the Foreign Ministers, “Which indicates there is an agreement between the two sides on this issue.” He explained Iraq is keen to end the border issue with Kuwait.
Meanwhile, Rapporteur of the Legal and Legislation Committee, MP Yaqoub Al-Sane said the committee Sunday approved a draft bill to grant citizenship to children of divorced Kuwaiti women married to non-Kuwaiti men.
He said the committee also approved a draft bill to grant licenses to commercial stores which do not violate the companies and commercial laws.
He added the committee approved another bill to increase subsidy on animal fodder. However, the committee decided to refer the bill to grant a 60-day paid leave for police to the concerned committee for more study.
The MPs have submitted a proposal that calls for extending the service of holders of Doctorate degree who work in the government sector to 65 years similar to their counterparts working at the Kuwait University, the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training and the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research instead of the 35 years that is set by the Civil Service Commission.
MP Adnan Abdul-Samad, Adel Al-Jarallah Al-Choragi, Khalid Al-Shatti and Mubarak Al-Najada have presented another proposal calling on the Public Authority for Youth and Sports to build a car and motor racetrack where young men can hold rallies under strict supervision.
The racetrack should be in accordance with international standards and equipped with modern sports requirements.
The proposal also called for taking into account the security and safety conditions and selecting a site far from the residential areas.
