Habib: The failure to resolve the bag of education form {heartbreak} in the hearts of deputies
Habib: The failure to resolve the bag of education form {heartbreak} in the hearts of deputies
2019/8/5 12:15
BAGHDAD (AFP) – Iraqi National Congress (ANC) deputy Aras Habib Karim said on Monday that he hoped the second legislative term would not end without resolving one of the most important ministries to build the minds of the new good.
Habib said in a statement received by the agency {Euphrates News} a copy of it, “The second legislative term of parliament ended, after being extended for a month in the hope of resolving some outstanding issues, and we were able to achieve success on a number of important issues if the level of legislation Or decisions, but the lack of good education bag form {Hassrat} in the hearts of most MPs. ”
“I personally wished that we would not end the second legislative term of parliament and the government still lacks one of the most important ministries to build the minds of the new generation that we are betting on in leading the country’s future.”