Approval of the results of the manual counting and sorting of the special ballot!

Approval of the results of the manual counting and sorting of the special ballot!


Approval of the results of the manual counting and sorting of the special ballotThe Independent High Electoral Commission decided to conduct manual counting and sorting after transferring the ballot boxes to the central audit center in the capital, Baghdad, because the machines did not send the results to some voting stations for technical reasons stated by the Korean company that manufactured the device.

The Commission stated in a statement at dawn today, Sunday, that this measure came based on Paragraph D of Article 10/First of Law No. 4 of 2023, which stipulates that if the results are not sent by the results acceleration device via the transmission medium to the results tabulation center for a period of 6 Within hours, the ballot boxes are transferred to the central audit center and the results of the manual counting and sorting are approved.