American website: Biden’s political life is full of suspicious business deals

American website: Biden’s political life is full of suspicious business deals


American website - Bidens political life is full of suspicious business dealsInformation/Translation..
A report by the American website Counter Ping, which specializes in political affairs, confirmed that the sources of income of the current US President, Joe Biden, do not come only from the lobbying companies, but also from his family’s view that his position is a source of financial gain.

The report, translated by Al-Maalouma Agency, explained that “Biden’s financial sources came as a result of his suspicious financial dealings, which often ended in chaotic lawsuits that were covered up. A Federal Reserve investigation revealed Biden’s complicity at the beginning of his political career in fictitious loans worth up to $600,000. On top of that, Biden at the time held a seat on the Senate Banking Committee, which was known at the time as a hotbed of illicit gain.”

“In 2010, Philadelphia-based construction company Hill International gave Joe’s brother, James Biden, a license to a subsidiary, Hillstone International, which saw its stock price soar after it won $1.5 billion in contracts to build 100,000 homes in Iraq. The contract was with a Korean company, and was paid for by the Iraqi government. “At the time, Joe was overseeing the U.S. occupation of Iraq,” Ben Krieger wrote in his 2021 book.

“This deal with Iraq became a mess,” Schrager wrote, “as the big payday in Iraq never materialized.” As the delays continued, Jim and his partners became involved in the fighting, and Hillstone Heavy’s role in the contract was eventually eliminated.

The report explained that “the Biden family’s suspicious financial dealings increased with the joining of his prodigal son Hunter. Thanks to his extravagant lifestyle, Hunter was in dire need of money, as he was burning up to $200,000 a month in late 2017 as a result of his drug addiction.”

“Watching Democrats implore Biden to step down by appealing to his sense of civic duty is laughable,” the report said. “What has motivated the Bidens over the past half-century is family enrichment, not political duty, and they will continue to lie until their train stops moving.”