Abbadi offers a challenge to the budget law before publication in the Official Gazette

For reasons related to funds allocated to the Prime Minister … Abbadi offers a challenge to the budget law before publication in the Official Gazette

05-04-2018 03:38 PM

Abbadi offers a challenge to the budget law before publication in the Official GazetteBaghdad News –

The official legal expert in the Office of the Presidency of the Republic Gamal al-Asadi, on Thursday, the Prime Minister Haider Abadi to challenge the law of the general budget before publication in the official newspaper, while expected to decide the appeal filed by President Fuad Masum after the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Al-Asadi said in a statement to the newspaper “life”, that “infallible objected to the budget law and returned to Parliament, but the latter dealt with the file in the form of media and non-substantive and unconstitutional, and returned the law to the presidency without looking at errors recorded by it” , Indicating that “infallible preferred the public interest of the country, and sent the budget law for publication in the Official Gazette, published by the same errors observed.

He added that “the Presidency of the Republic confirmed to retain the constitutional right to file a complaint to the Federal Court to decide on the constitutional errors recorded, which includes 14 items,” pointing out that “the Court will call the parties and examine those articles and decide the constitution or not.”

He revealed that “Prime Minister Haider al-Abbadi also filed an appeal against the budget law before publication in the same newspaper, for reasons related to funds allocated to the Prime Minister, but he withdrew the appeal because it must be after publication.”

Al-Asadi expected that “Abadi return the appeal after the publication of the budget,” noting that “the appeal procedure may take two months and three months, which means deportation of the decision to the post-elections, in the next parliament.”