Deputy for the rest: the dispute over the candidate of the Interior ended

Deputy for the rest: the dispute over the candidate of the Interior ended

Friday 22 February

Deputy for the rest - the dispute over the candidate of the Interior endedAlsumaria News / BAGHDAD – The
deputy of the Alliance of Suron, Friday, that the dispute over the candidate of the Ministry of Interior has “ended”, pointing to the existence of significant signs to end the crisis by providing new names to the Prime Minister on the remaining portfolios, Ministerial meeting will be closed by the second session of the next legislative term.

MP Alaa al-Rubaie said in an interview for Alsumaria News that “the previous dialogues and meetings between the conquest and the rest resulted in the formation of several committees to create a clearer vision of the political process in the next stage,” noting that “Iraq does not depend on a candidate or one person and does not stop the government of Adel Abdul Mahdi On a person, but there should be flexibility on all sides. ”

Al-Rubaie added that “the previous phase has got some differences on the candidate of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense ,” pointing out that “the dispute over the Interior Ministry candidate has ended and there are great signs to end the signs of the crisis through the submission of new names of the Prime Minister on the remaining portfolios, .

Al-Rubaie pointed out that “there is more than one name will be submitted to each ministry and the choice is left to the Prime Minister to choose the most appropriate and as it happened in previous ministries that have been resolved,” stressing that “the Prime Minister’s cabin will be completed by the second session of the next legislative term, “He said.

The MP for the construction coalition Bahaa al-Din al-Nuri said, Monday, February 18, 2019, that there are new consensus on the remaining ministries got and will be harvested fruits soon.

It is noteworthy that the alliance of Fatah and others held a meeting at the headquarters of the political body of the Sadrist movement in Baghdad on February 11, 2019 to discuss a number of files, including the activation of the file services and the advancement of the provinces and the completion of Cabinet Cabinet Adel Abdul Mahdi.