We strive to provide the best daily news reports/articles as it pertains to our “Iraqi Dinar speculation”, both positive and negative. Thank you for visiting us! GO RV!!
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Sincerely, Admin
I do like you site, true every thing I see and you do bring early than any site then every body copy each other no BS
like it good job
Thank you
Very disappointed…you’re not telling us what we want to hear. Please fix that. Smile
I’ll get right on that LOL! I will start making some stuff up and claim that it is from my “sources” in very high places!! Like my best friend runs the CBI and my dad is the head of the UST and what the hell, just got off the phone with Obama! LOL! Thanks for the humor!! LMAO!
So glad I found this site, I’ve been on dinar guru for far to long and I’m fed up with quote’s like this. ” they have passed budget and activated RV. They are telling us they will be International on Aug 1 ” If there was any truth to that what so every don’t you think it would be world news yesterday given it’s going to happen tomorrow.!! Do yourselves a favor stick to facts not fiction.
Very few sites will give you only the information that comes from Iraq without twisting it around to suite them. We pride ourselves with being one site that dont blow smoke and post only the truth. And by the way welcome back
I registered for this site quite some time ago but really dont remember the url. It was by chance that I recieved an email from the webmaster reminding me that there was a site that existed for great news, honest news regarding this dinar investment. Well it feels good to be back. The webpage is bright, easy to navigate and I think its done very well. KUDOS! Thanks for having me back. I like it here!