Zebari discuss with the UN official Iraq’s remaining payment of compensation to Kuwait
Zebari discuss with the UN official Iraq’s efforts to fulfill its obligations under the remaining payment of compensation to Kuwait
Wednesday, September 11 / September 2013 15:16
[Baghdad – where]
Research and Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari with the Executive Director of the Compensation Commission at the United Nations on Wednesday, Iraq’s efforts in fulfillment of its obligations to pay the remaining compensation to Kuwait.
The Foreign Ministry statement said the agency received all of Iraq [where] that “Zebari received in the office of the ministry Executive Director of the Compensation Commission at the United Nations Trevor Raja During the meeting, review of Iraq’s efforts in fulfillment of its obligations to pay the remaining compensation to Kuwait.”
He added that Raja praised the success of the efforts to end this file, also called for the importance of benefiting from the environmental reform program undertaken by the United Nations in the region. ”
For his part, the minister, according to the statement of Iraq’s keenness on completion of all belongings and close the file of compensation. “Ended