Within minutes … a new coup at the exchange rate of the dollar in Baghdad

Within minutes … a new coup at the exchange rate of the dollar in Baghdad

12/21/2020 14:58

Within minutes ... a new coup at the exchange rate of the dollar in Baghdad[Baghdad-Where]
The exchange rate of the US dollar on the Al-Kifah Stock Exchange in the capital, Baghdad, witnessed a rapid shift within minutes of recording a decline.
A source said that the Central Al-Kifah Stock Exchange in Baghdad recorded at noon today, 141,000 Iraqi dinars against 100 US dollars.

Minutes ago, the Kifah Stock Exchange recorded a price of 138,500 dinars against 100 dollars, before it recorded in the morning 142500 against 100 US dollars.

Some owners of exchange offices attributed this decline to the existence of a large offer to sell the dollar after some gains were made by some dealers and citizens after it was bought at low prices before it rose.
