“We have a dollar, but the withdrawal terrified the banks.” An Iraqi banker’s testimony about Sunday’s chaos

“We have a dollar, but the withdrawal terrified the banks.” An Iraqi banker’s testimony about Sunday’s chaos


We have a dollar but the withdrawal terrified the banks - An Iraqi bankers testimony about Sundays chaosAn official at a Baghdad bank gave testimony about the chaos that occurred today, after depositors were inundated with requests to withdraw their money in dollars, indicating that foreign currency liquidity is available, but “the intensity of requests terrified bank officials.”

The dollar transfer will not be withdrawn in cash after today.. A financial expert explains the chaos in Baghdad’s banks
An official in a Baghdad bank told the 964 network:
Today, Sunday, citizens attacked all banks in the capital, Baghdad, in an unprecedented manner, against the backdrop of the Central Bank’s recent decisions to adopt the dinar.

Portfolio officials were concerned about the volume of requests, and decided to wait to disburse them all at once within one day.

The Central Bank reduced the amount of dollars granted to all banks today, and the liquidity in its possession is not sufficient to meet the enormous requests received.

Private banks decided to legalize grants to citizens for fear of zeroing out of their dollar accounts, especially since there is a real fear that citizens will not be able to recover their money in the banks.
