Washington supports the overthrow of Maliki, fearing a constitutional confrontation with Tehran

Newspaper: Washington supports the overthrow of Maliki, fearing a constitutional confrontation with Tehran

24/06/2012 09:03

Erbil, June 24 (Rn) – According to Kurdish sources informed on Sunday that Washington informed the President of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, the leader of the coalition in Iraq, Iyad Allawi, it supports the process of interrogation of Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki in parliament and support the removal, provided they are in accordance with the Constitution to avoid a clash with the Iran, according to the newspaper, “Kuwaiti politics.”the newspaper quoted the sources in its issue today, saying that “the United States told Massoud Barzani, the leader of the coalition in Iraq, Iyad Allawi, it supports the process of questioning in parliament, and supports the removal, provided they are in accordance with the Constitution to avoid confrontation with Iran. ” The sources told the newspaper that “al-Maliki told the Americans that he supported the departure of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in any political settlement that allows for transition to a democratic system of government than the previous position which had reservations about the al-Maliki on the issue of resignation Assad was considered an attempt of the first to win the U.S. position against the process of questioning and the withdrawal of confidence from the House of Representatives. ” In a proactive it seems, offers Maliki application hosted in the House of Representatives to the Presidency of the Council justified his request that he wants to talk about a package of political files related to differences with his partners in government, and vowed to open files, a serious concern Some political leaders who seek to overthrow him. For his part, MP from the Sadrist movement, Hussein called for building the newspaper, that “al-Sadr is the Shiite leader the only one who challenged al-Maliki because of its mismanagement of the state and its failure in the two files the security and service and sought to remove him without regard to any of alliances and alignments sectarian” he said, adding that “the leadership of the National Alliance, the Shiite did not dare to Mphatanh to step down as prime minister and selection of an alternative candidate for the coalition and this is dangerous is in the direction of strengthening the dominance of the dictator.”The building that “asylum-Maliki and members of his coalition to distrust his opponents seeking to withdraw confidence from the government shows the similarities between him and Saddam Hussein when he was accusing his opponents of treason and conspiracy just because they Khalvoh of opinion, “pointing out that” the Iranian intervention and some of the pressures the other did not work all to bend one of the deputies Sadrists forty for efforts to mainstream the direction of withdrawal of confidence of the Maliki government. ” of For his part, vowed to MP from the coalition in Iraq Hamza Dawood Salman, said in a statement to the newspaper, “al-Maliki the process of questioning documented expose Khroqath human rights at the level of arbitrary arrests and torture in prisons and secret prisons,” asserting that “the Tripartite Commission (Kurdish Iraqi Sadr) have documentation of violations, including the presence of secret prisons and torture ugly against the detainees and the intervention in the work of the judiciary to issue arrest warrants against the opposition of the owners. “said Salman, “There are two opinions on the process of interrogation of al-Maliki first supports a short interview for a single session of Parliament is then to vote to withdraw confidence from Maliki’s government, and the second sees The interrogation should be long and contains a lot of details to ensure the accession of more members of the Shiite alliance and the rest of Representatives to the decision to withdraw confidence from the current government. ” and MP for Iraq to “step down Maliki represents 50% of any reform process of radical political and serious in how to manage Iraqi state, “noting that” all opponents of the Maliki convinced that it continues to head the government is not helpful in resolving the current crisis. ” In a related context, and in response to threats of a coalition of state law to open files against political leaders opposed to the owners, challenged the Kurdistan Alliance MP Sirwan Ahmed Iraqi Prime Minister that “open those files in order to know the Iraqi people from the party that violates the Constitution,” adding that “threats close to al-Maliki will enhance the political will of the Sadrists and the Kurdish and Iraqi forces to go to the questioning in the Parliament and the withdrawal of confidence from his government.” said Kurdish lawmaker that belongs to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) led by Iraqi President Jalal Talabani told the newspaper that “bet-Maliki’s refusal Talabani request to withdraw confidence from the parliament could mean that the questioning will fail is a bad bet because the Kurdish position coherent and unified, and that the president’s refusal to apply the withdrawal of trust is not means that the members of the Union would not support the interrogation process and the removal of al-Maliki. ” Open: Aso Haji

Source: aknews