Urgent close to him: Ministerial negotiations Abadi change has reached a conclusion

Urgent close to him: Ministerial negotiations Abadi change has reached a conclusion

3.9.2016 14:20

Urgent close to him - Ministerial negotiations Abadi change has reached a conclusion[Where – special]
said on the Keywords National Alliance MP and close associate of Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi said the prime minister talks with the political blocs on the cabinet reshuffle has reached a conclusion. ”
According Keywords told all of Iraq [where] that ” the Prime Minister will hold last – ditch meetings with leaders of the National Alliance and the three presidencies and political blocs to resolve the situation on cabinet reshuffle in the coming period.”
He added that “some see a complete change to all ministers and bring in independents and others see a radical change through the political blocs. ”
He Keywords that” Abadi wants to resolve the issue by finding a common conviction among everyone and does not want to impose his opinion on the blocks , but to give a balanced vision to convince everyone it is still looking for the ends of these negotiations , “adding that” the negotiations have reached to their ends. ”
the National Alliance leaders reiterated in a statement after their meeting last Sunday in the city of Karbala ”s support for the reforms of the National Alliance and the ministerial change, called by Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, and to move them in order to provide the best for the Iraqi people.”
said President Fuad Masum ” the call for a government of technocrats not meaning to be a minister from outside to participate in the political process , political parties and has many members in the parliament.”
the mass of Jemaah Islamiah , the parliamentary chairman Ahmed Haji Rashid , who attended the meeting of the Kurdish groups with al – Abadi on Monday said the prime minister “and agreed to grant share of the Kurds in the cabinet reshuffle expected and that he will address all the political blocs to send separate names , one of the choice of professionals and talented ones. ”
it is said that al – Abadi plans for a cabinet reshuffle in his government, and called for the formation of a government of technocrats away from quotas, but he did not get authorization from the the House of Representatives when it hosted in February 20 last.
demanding most of the political blocs , Prime Minister necessity consulted and parliamentary approval for any change of government.
a spokesman for the office of Prime Minister Saad al – Hadithi’s [where], that “there are positive signals to reach over a short period to agreement put off the names of candidates for the cabins technocrat government. ”
