UN pressure may force Maliki Cancel postpone elections Anbar and Nineveh

UN pressure may force Maliki Cancel postpone elections Anbar and Nineveh

The time on Tuesday, March 26 / March 2013 09:12

Baghdad / Orr News

Political source revealed the existence of negotiations between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the United Nations to cancel the decision to postpone the provincial elections scheduled for the 20 of next month.

The source said that “the Iraqi List and the Liberal bloc of the Sadrist movement succeeded in pressuring the United Nations in Iraq in order to adopt a firm stance in relation to the elections and the pressure on al-Maliki to cancel the decision to postpone.” The source confirmed that “Maliki succeeded maneuver to postpone the elections, especially since it drew attention to the new crisis, making the political forces and clan in Anbar busy this decision, and drag it to the internal conflict, in a move to pull the rug from under the feet of some politicians who rode the wave of demonstrations.”

The U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who recently visited Iraq, revealed in a press statement he had urged Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to cancel the decision to postpone local elections in the provinces of Nineveh and Anbar.
