Turkmani official: Abadi gave the Peshmerga 48 hours to withdraw from areas in Kirkuk

Turkmani official: Abadi gave the Peshmerga 48 hours to withdraw from areas in Kirkuk

2017/10/13 13:11

Turkmani official - Abadi gave the Peshmerga 48 hours to withdraw from areas in Kirkuk[Ayn-Baghdad]
A member of the provincial council of Kirkuk on the Turkmen component Qasim al-Bayati, today, the Prime Minister Haider Abadi to the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Peshmerga forces a 48-hour truce to resolve the file of areas captured after the fall of the city of Mosul 2014.
Al-Bayati said in a press statement that “the interventions of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan with the Iraqi government led to stop the progress of Iraqi forces towards the areas of Kirkuk for 48 hours and accept the constitutional solutions and agreements that organized the deployment of security forces in Kirkuk.”
He stressed that the Iraqi government called on the Peshmerga to withdraw from the areas seized by the outside and its administration in 2014 and return to its administrative border based on the 2009 agreement, which organized the deployment of security forces in Kirkuk, ”
Bayati said there is complete rejection of any fighting or clash in Kirkuk,” loaded ” Kirkuk any negative consequences for the province because of its intransigence in conducting a referendum that lacks legitimacy and non-compliance with federal laws. ”
“Kurdish intransigence will force the government to extend security in Kirkuk and impose its federal administration,” he said, pointing out that “the government puts Kurdish forces at stake between accepting to withdraw or fighting in the face of serious government efforts to extend security in Kirkuk and other disputed areas.”
Peshmerga officials said on Sunday that their forces had withdrawn from several border posts south of Kirkuk, which they seized in June 2014 and were not exposed to any clashes with the security forces or little fire.
The Joint Operations Command denied that some of the media reported the launch of a military operation south of Kirkuk and confirmed that its forces are still conducting clearance and search and capture in liberated areas. ”
For his part, the commander of the fourth axis of the Peshmerga forces, Major General Rasul Omar, said Friday that their forces withdrew from its headquarters Between the area of ​​Taza and Qaseb Bashir south of Kirkuk, on the basis of an agreement with the security forces, “adding that” the withdrawal was agreement and that the rapid response stationed at headquarters. ”
He pointed out that the Peshmerga “do not want to fight with the Iraqi forces, because we fought together against a supporter,” as he put it.
He called on the commander of the Peshmerga forces, the Iraqi and Kurdish leaders to dialogue and negotiation to solve the problems between the two sides.
