Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-20-2024
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 12-20-2024
12-20-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “CENTRAL BANK GOVERNOR: OPENING EXTERNAL CHANNELS WITH FOREIGN CURRENCIES ELIMINATES THE BLACK MARKET” Central Bank Governor Ali Al-Alaq confirmed on Thursday that opening channels in foreign and Arab currencies achieves stability in the exchange rate and gradually eliminates the black market. We were told of the issue of the parallel market and my CBI contact told me that this had to come in par with the “official” CBI rate in order to make the in-country revaluation of the dinar possible, before the project to delete the zeros could occur. They said that the new correspondent bank procedure should eliminate the parallel market…The RV is going to happen, but first things first…
12-20-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat This recent move with the correspondent banks should knock out the parallel market altogether first and put the dollar in line with the CBI “official” rate. This was needed first. Then the CBI plans to push out the new in-country CBI official rate we have been waiting for along with the project to delete the zeros. I just talked to my CBI contact…Wednesday and this is what I am told. We just have to sit tight and see what happens next. I wish I could tell you more positive news. Right now, this is a very sensitive time, things will be moving fast soon. I can’t think of better news at this time.
12-20-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via Wisernow] They wanted us to have this before Christmas…So let’s hope that is the case…let’s see what happens…
12-19-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 It’s important for you to understand Aki’s banks are going to be following American International banking laws. It’s not like you can take your dinars and deposit it in these private banks that will represent the CBI. No, because they have to follow American banking laws.
12-19-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article quote: “It’s proven by the reality of price stability and control of inflation and the price traded outside those channels is an abnormal price.” They’re driving it home that it’s an abnormal illegal market and it’s coming to a halt which is something we’ve been looking for. The expectation is, you change the value of the currency to be stronger than the dollar, anybody and everybody that is in that 5% [black market] is going to have a significant problem or they’re just not going to make any more wonderful [illegal] money.
12-19-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Fnu Lnu You WILL NOT have to go to Egypt, Syria, or Turkey to do your exchange. A large number of banks will be more than happy to help you with your exchange. They will be charging a nominal fee of 1% to 2%. I have it on reputable information that Wells Fargo and JPM Chase will spearhead this event. You can also go to a Currency Exchange… You may also use an off-premises exchange location commonly referred to as a Redemption Center. These are also banks who will have specialized offices with security guards and De La rue machines to validate and verify your currency and make the appropriate deposit in your own bank account or you may open an account at their bank. If you take this advice, you will exchange your Dinar effortlessly…
12-19-2024 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Central Bank of Iraq expands foreign transfers with new currencies” Quote: “The Central Bank of Iraq announced the expansion of foreign transfer channels for local banks to include new currencies: the Jordanian dinar and the Saudi riyal, and allowing Iraqi banks to finance trade with Turkey in euros after it was previously limited to using
them with European Union countries, in addition to transfers available in US dollars, Emirati dirhams, Chinese yuan and Indian rupees. The bank explained that this step comes within its efforts to expand foreign trade financing options in various currencies and channels”
12-19-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 The lower notes are high high priority for security. Nobody sees them. Nobody knows where they’re at. High, high priority. IMO our military guards them…Those lower notes are in position just like everything else is for the monetary reform to finish.
12-19-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Article: “The Central Bank of Iraq decides to add the Saudi Ryal and the Jordinian dinar” I think this is the biggest story of the year. This story has me so excited. They are working on a smooth transition to this basket. These are the two biggest. Iraq said months ago they are going to base their currency on oil, resources, gold and a basket of other middle eastern countries currencies. This is how they are going to raise the value of the dinar. They are going to unpeg it from the USD and peg it to a basket of currency and their assets.
12-19-2024 Newshound Guru PompeyPeter Constitutionally Iraq has to open its budget before the start of next year. In other words, this year they got to open its budget. That is part of the constitutional law of Iraq. Failure to do so is big, big trouble. They will be coming after those responsible…Iraq has changed in the sense that there’s a will to get this done. That is a huge difference…The winds have changed in Iraq have come about and they want to get this done. Sudani is a man of his word. He told the people this would be done this year.
12-19-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Walkingstick They have no choice but to revalue their currency. The CBI and Sudani is now obligated to us [the United States]…They were told at this [Iraqi bank, money exchangers and contractor] meeting you will meet this obligation, or else. Or else what? We’ll find you…close you down…bust you…remove you. We’re that close to Sudani, if we don’t like what you’re doing you’re out of here. Why do you think everything has changed since they came back from the United States Treasury? …This was a meeting of demands…You’re done using our dollars says Trump…
12-19-2024 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: “International praise for the government’s security and economic performance” What a report this is for Iraq…This a powerful message to the world that imo Iraq is ready now for to go fully international and at anytime now.
12-19-2024 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
Mr Sammy says when the auctions close we will be using the lower notes because they will be needed with added value. It will have to be out by then. So we wait for the end of the auctions. FRANK: It boils down to one thing. In order for you to get those lower notes is for the auctions to close…Mr. Sammy your boss is obligated to raise the value of your currency.
12-19-2024 Intel Guru Bruce [via Wisernow] Iraq has come out with a new rate on the dinar, and it was just a hair under $8 and it was in country rate, in country, being in Iraq… They paid out all the contractors that were military contractors and contractors that are construction contractors. They paid them all out back pay. They went all the way back to August, August, September, October, November and December were all paid out …Monday morning, at 9am Iraq time at the new rate.
12-19-2024 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Article: “The President of the Republic, the under secretary of the Minister of Finance discuss the 2025 budget“ They are also telling us here that they expect a rate change before Jan. 1st. There is a lot of information hitting right now in Iraq. All the news is supporting a rate change before the end of the year.
12-19-2024 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat a HUGE change or transformation has occurred…a transformation of Iraq like no other they have ever experienced. It has come on the heels of being released from Chapter VII. …I am in close contact with the CBI committee that is responsible for rolling out the Project to Delete the Zeros. I get weekly statuses that are telling us that Iraq is only moving ahead and not backwards. I am told it won’t be long.