The Prime Minister’s advisor calls for encouraging investments and improving the business environment in Iraq.
The Prime Minister’s advisor calls for encouraging investments and improving the business environment in Iraq.
The Prime Minister’s advisor for financial affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, called for focusing on economic development programs and encouraging local and foreign investments by providing tax incentives and improving the business environment.
Saleh also pointed out in a statement to Al Furat News Agency the importance of launching development projects that contribute to creating job opportunities, especially for young people, with the aim of reducing unemployment and poverty. These projects include the Riyada Project and Riyada Bank, in addition to activating the activities of the Iraq Development Fund and the Sovereign Guarantees Committee to finance strategic industrial projects.
Saleh emphasized the need to strengthen social protection programs to mitigate the repercussions of economic crises on the poor. These programs are managed with high professionalism, contributing to building buffers that protect the national economy from regional influences and tensions.