The law presents a “strong scenario”: it will form the new government

The law presents a “strong scenario”: it will form the new government


The law presents a strong scenario - it will form the new governmentInformation/special.
A member of the State of Law coalition, Abbas Al-Maliki, clarified today, Saturday, the most prominent scenarios proposed strongly for the political process during the coming period, while stressing that the coordinating framework alone is unable to hold the parliament session and form the new government.

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Al-Maliki said in an interview with “Information”, that “the proposed scenario is strongly represented by the existence of understandings between the coordination framework and Kurdish and Sunni forces, to hold a session of the House of Representatives,” stressing that “this is what is currently being worked on, to proceed with the formation of the new government.”

He added, “The coordination alone is not able to hold a parliament session and form a government. If the Speaker of the House of Representatives does not call for a parliament session, it will not be held, and if the other parties do not attend, even if Muhammad al-Halbousi called for a session and did not attend, the framework alone will not be able to name a prime minister.”

A member of the State of Law coalition explained that “this issue depends on the political framework’s relations and arrangements with the Sunni and Kurdish parties and the extent of their response to the coordination’s calls,” expressing “his hope that political understandings and consensus will be obtained to form the new government during the next few weeks and days after the fortieth visit.”

Earlier, the Secretary-General of Ahrar al-Furat, Sheikh Abdullah al-Jaghifi, confirmed that “the disruption of the work of parliament sessions by influential parties in the central government is nothing but a maneuver to avoid the vote to overthrow Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kazemi by the deputies of the coordination framework and the rest of the deputies.” Done / 25 SR