The Iraqi Parliament … Governor of the Central Bank outside the interrogation and the budget within the bargaining!

The Iraqi Parliament … Governor of the Central Bank outside the interrogation and the budget within the bargaining!

Sunday 31 January 2021 | 03:59 pm

The Iraqi Parliament ... Governor of the Central Bank outside the interrogation and the budget within the bargainingThe coalition of Iraqis confirmed, on Sunday, that the coming sessions will not witness the questioning of the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, attributing the matter to Parliament’s preoccupation with the budget and through it to enter the line of negotiations and bargaining between the blocs .

“Breaking the quorum and postponing the session during the interrogation of the central bank governor was not a coincidence, and here is the coldness of dealing with the interrogation by the Presidency, ” said coalition MP Jasim Mohan .

He added that “the coming sessions will not witness the questioning of the governor,” noting that “the budget will enter the line and the parliament will be busy with it and its long struggles .”

Mohan said, “Through the differences on the points of balance between the blocks, the subject of the governor will enter and agreements and deals will begin with a file against a file.”