The House of Representatives votes on 7 resolutions and ends reading two laws [expanded]

The House of Representatives votes on 7 resolutions and ends reading two laws [expanded]

2018/3/27 17:51

The House of Representatives votes on 7 resolutions and ends reading two laws[Ayna-Baghdad]
The House of Representatives voted in its regular session 15 held under the chairmanship of Salim al-Jubouri, Speaker of the House of Representatives and the presence of 174 deputies on Tuesday on 7 parliamentary resolutions and ended reading two laws.
At the beginning of the session, President Jubouri praised the presence of the deputies to the session as a sense of national responsibility. He expressed his condemnation of every attack on innocent civilians, particularly the attack on MP Imad John from the criminal targeting and assaulting of MP Salim Hamza as well as all the terrorist operations targeting citizens in Kirkuk and Diyala. And Tuz Khurmato, calling on the security services to take measures to maintain security.
Then the deputies read Al-Fatihah to honor the lives of martyrs of terrorist operations.
The Council voted on a parliamentary resolution authorizing the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Finance to carry out the necessary transfers from emergency allocations or any other doors to pay the risk allocations to the members of the popular mobilization as of 1/1/2018.
The council completed the voting on the names of the candidates for membership of the investigative committee regarding the events of Tuz Khurmato district. They were MPs Abdul Jabbar Rahif, Hoshyar Abdullah, Niazi Maamar Uglu, Amin Bakr, Salim Shawqi, Habib Hamza, Zahid Mohammed Sultan, Mohsen Osman, Joseph Salwa and Shawan Farhad Kader Karim.
A parliamentary decision was also voted on at the request of 50 deputies, including the formation of an investigative committee on the Ministry of Finance / Budget Directorate to deal selectively between the provinces on the subject of the introduction of grades in the Ministry of Electricity and other ministries.
The Chamber of Deputies concluded the vote on a parliamentary resolution submitted by the Legal Committee at the request of 80 deputies that the Ministry of Martyrs and Anfal Affairs in the Kurdistan region in full coordination with the institutions of martyrs and political prisoners in the federal government to unify the administrative and financial instructions and policies. .
The Council completed the vote on a parliamentary resolution obliging the border crossing authority to apply the agricultural calendar in respect of all agricultural products, including animal resources in all governorates.
The Council also voted on a parliamentary decision considering the area of ​​Al-Saadan and the districts of Kairouan and urban areas in the province of Nineveh areas affected.
The Council completed the vote on a decision to cancel the financial penalty imposed on the loss of voter card in general and the cancellation of procedures for obtaining a new card.
The president announced the withdrawal of the objection submitted to the proposal of the law of the National Authority for Culture and Arts after being returned by the Committee on Culture and Information to the government.
The Council proceeded to vote on the articles inadvertently dropped from the draft law on the reform of inmates and depositors submitted by the Labor, Social Affairs and Human Rights Committees.
On the other hand, the President of the House of Representatives confirmed that the Council has finished what it was charged by voting on the budget law, which does not include any constitutional violations, pointing to the right of any party to object to what is included in the law through the appeal before the Federal Court, noting that the House of Representatives prepared a book for the time The second to restore the budget law to the Presidency of the Republic in accordance with the contexts followed for the purpose of publication, stressing the lack of validity of the House of Representatives to re-discuss the budget law or circulation in respect of the exception of the decision of the Federal Court.
The Council completed the first reading of the proposed law of the first amendment to the law of granting athletes heroes and pioneers No. 6 of 2013 and submitted by the Committee on Youth and Sports.
The Council completed the first reading of the proposed law of the Institute of Urban and Regional Planning submitted by the Commission on Higher Education and Scientific Research in order to make the Institute able to achieve objectives at this stage and give it the flexibility necessary to develop sections and practical branches that meet the country’s growing need for highly skilled staff in urban and regional planning and privacy Study at the Institute to address gaps and shortcomings in the law of the Center for Urban and Regional Planning No. 116 of 1971. It was
then decided to resume the meeting on Wednesday at 11 am.