The arrival of the first batch of helicopters (Mi 35) Russian

The arrival of the first batch of helicopters (Mi 35) Russian

05/12/2013 11:06

The arrival of the first batch of helicopters Mi 35 Russian in IraqBaghdad – and babysit – Defense Ministry confirmed it had received the first batch of fighter jets attacking the Russian-made, arguing that the receipt of such advanced aircraft globally constitute an important addition to the Iraqi forces.
The ministry said in a statement posted on its website that it “had been received the first batch of aircraft, MI-35 Russian-made multi-purpose (fighter and attack).”

Mrdfah it “is one of the advanced aircraft globally in providing all kinds of support and support for ground troops and leaders of the processes and its superior ability in the fight against terrorism and the treatment of fixed and mobile targets by day and night and in all climates.”

She added that “the receipt of the first batch of aircraft, the contract is a Russian power and the ability to add our valiant military because of their effect Oaahabi on the ground in the fight against terrorism, and a new addition to the capabilities of the Iraqi military” … p / i