Tehran threatens to Washington and request mediation by Ban Ki-moon

Tehran threatens to Washington and request mediation by Ban Ki-moon

04.29.2016 at 09:10 (Baghdad time)

Tehran threatens to Washington and request mediation by Ban Ki-moonFollow-up – the balance of News
Iran threatened the United States to a “costly” if Nktha covenants, and requested the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon to mediate for the United States to release two billion dollars frozen in its banks.

Head of the Iranian Shura Council Ali Larijani said that if the US side has broken its promises in implementing the nuclear deal could be submitted to the country’s business and procedures can be expensive to Washington.

For his part, he asked the Iranian foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon on Thursday to persuade the United States to release Iranian assets frozen worth two billion dollars after the US Supreme Court ruled to pay this money to the families of Americans were victims in attacks blamed on Tehran.

He called Zarif Ban Ki-moon to use “his good offices in order to persuade the US government to abide by its international obligations,” In his speech released by the Iranian diplomatic mission to the United Nations asked Zarif help in the release of frozen Iranian assets in US banks and to convince Washington to stop interfering in international trade and financial Tehran transactions .

The US Supreme Court did not find protracted by Congress on the US courts authority by agreeing in 2012 to the law prevents frozen Iranian funds to pay compensation worth $ 2.65 billion under the rule against Iran by the US federal court for the benefit of American families in 2007.

The Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei missed Washington’s deception and said, “America hamper and bluffing and conjures up the confusion, then Tatb because we feel distrust towards it,” adding, “they write on paper to deal banks with Iran, but behind the scenes arouse Rhaba them, as they say state sponsor of terrorism, lest deal (banks) with us economically. ”

And Abizaid “I have repeatedly said that the trust the Americans is not an option, and the reason is clear now. America, our enemy, and hostility will not end.”

The Iranian President Hassan Rowhani, described the US decision as “piracy in broad daylight major legal scandal for America and the theft exposed, it means the continuing hostility of the Iranian people.”

Also he saw it as “an act illegal and contrary to international humanitarian law, and the immunity of the central banks,” Washington has threatened that it would face “consequences”, Msttrda “No thief boast stolen, and imagine the money looted his property” ./ ended 29 n / 10
