Taliban: Prince Harry is suffering from “mental problems”

Taliban: Prince Harry is suffering from “mental problems”


Palm – considered the Afghan Taliban movement that Prince Harry, son of Crown Prince Charles, is suffering from “mental problems” after it was reported that fire on insurgents in Afghanistan is similar to video games.

The Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid “failed 49 military state with full force in the fight against the Mujahideen, and Ellen Prince comes and compares these war games PlayStation.”

Said Prince Harry, third in the standings to inherit the throne, that Taliban gunmen killed during his service in the British army for 20 weeks in Helmand province, an assistant to the commander of Apache combat helicopters.

During his service Harry was responsible for the weapons systems in the cockpit in which two Hellfire missiles requests air – ground, missiles and 30 mm cannon.

Harry said in interviews published Monday after serving in Afghanistan, “It was fun for me because I am from people who like to play playstation and Axbox, I therefore very useful in the use of my fingers.”

And Mujahid told AFP by telephone from an undisclosed location “This is a war grave and historic for us and our people are resisting.”

“But we do not take his comments seriously, as we have seen and heard all of the many foreign troops occupiers who come to Afghanistan suffer some kind of mental problems.”
