Posts Tagged ‘Iraqi Elections’

Allawi gets assurances Kurdish al-Maliki not to grant a third term

Allawi gets assurances Kurdish al-Maliki not to grant a third term

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 13:24

Allawi gets assurances Kurdish al-Maliki not to grant a third termBAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. A source close to the head of the National Coalition, Iyad Allawi, on Tuesday, the head of the National Coalition received assurances Kurdish al-Maliki not to grant a third term.
The source told / Baghdadi News /, “The head of the National Coalition, Iyad Allawi, who is currently in the Kurdistan region has received assurances not to grant Kurdish Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki ended the authority for a third term.”
The source added that “the president of a coalition of national will return to Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - May 20, 2014 at 8:21 am



Liberals: manipulation of grant-Maliki 15 seats miraculously multiplied five times

Liberals: manipulation of grant-Maliki 15 seats .. and to participate in the belt of Baghdad miraculously multiplied five times

05/20/2014 (00:01 pm)

Liberals-manipulation of grant-Maliki 15 seats miraculously multiplied five timesBAGHDAD / long-Presse

MP for the Liberal bloc Prince Kanani, on Monday, that a lot of votes has “doubled are alarming,” in favor of a coalition of state law, and stressed that the Electoral Commission for elections failed to respond to complaints, as attributed get Maliki’s coalition of more than 15 seats as ” His highest break “to” steal votes “, he pointed out that the percentage of the vote in the areas of Baghdad belt does not exceed 20%, while the electoral commission says it has increased about 90%. Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 8:13 am



Hakim al-Maliki accused of falsifying election results

Hakim al-Maliki accused of falsifying election results


Hakim al-Maliki accused of falsifying election resultsPalm – accused the coalition of “citizen,” which is headed by the Supreme Islamic Council head Ammar al-Hakim, a coalition of “state law” under the leadership of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, manipulating and promotion for him in the parliamentary election results announced Monday, in Baghdad.

A spokesman for the coalition of “citizen” eloquent Abu tirelessly at a news conference the coalition to monitor the number of excesses; including the Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 8:02 am



United coalition challenged the validity and accuracy of the results of the elections of the House of Representatives

United coalition challenged the validity and accuracy of the results of the elections of the House of Representatives

20-05-2014 10:23 AM

United coalition challenged the validity and accuracy of the results of the elections of the House of RepresentativesBaghdad (news) .. Description coalition united to reform election results were announced by the Electoral Commission as ‘shock and blow’ Every citizen security change, stressing that he would challenge the validity and accuracy of the election results. statement said the coalition received the Agency (news): it is’ not a against the elections are right and the duty, which is to respect the opinion of the citizens if they took place in a transparent manner far from Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 7:37 am



The Washington Post: split the ranks of the great majority of Maliki’s coalition lose!

The Washington Post: split the ranks of the great majority of Maliki’s coalition lose!

Date: Monday 05/19/2014 5:41

The Washington Post-split the ranks of the great majority of Maliki coalition loseThe Washington Post reported in its issue this Monday article Anonth “al-Maliki loses his allies,” indicating that splits succession witnessed the past few days within the State of Law coalition led by Nuri al-Maliki,
and Maliki is seeking to collect the largest number of MPs to reach the majority comfortable that qualify for the state third,
the newspaper reported that a number of the leaders of a coalition of state law trying to negotiate away from their leader, noting that Hussein al-Shahristani, the strongest candidates to succeed al-Maliki,
the newspaper wrote in an editorial: that rivals Maliki, waiting for an Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - May 19, 2014 at 10:00 am



Alkhozai will call the new parliament to convene within 15 days of ratification of the results

Alkhozai will call the new parliament to convene within 15 days of ratification of the results

Mon, May 19, 2014 18:41

Alkhozai will call the new parliament to convene within 15 days of ratification of the resultsBAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. said legal expert Tareq Harb, Monday, Vice President Khodair al will call the new parliament to convene within 15 days of the date of approval of the election results.
He said the war in a press statement received / Baghdadi News / copy of it, he was “in accordance with the provisions of Articles 54.75 of the Constitution, for the Vice-President, Dr. Khodair al issuing a decree calling Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 9:40 am



National Alliance gets a majority, up 173 seats in the next parliament

National Alliance gets a majority, up 173 seats in the next parliament

05/19/2014 20:13

Iraqi GovernmentFollow-up – and babysit –
The forces of the National Alliance won 173 seats in the next parliament, and this number has achieved the required majority of the National Alliance biggest bloc entitled to form the next government.

A media source that the number of seats Althalva for my country as announced by the Electoral Commission today the final results, the number Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 9:20 am



What happens after the election results revealed that most of them???

What happens after the election results revealed that most of them???

19-05-2014 01:36 PM

What happens after the election results revealed that most of themWhat will imply the next few hours of the news about the election results, and whether there would be a surprise not revealed yet .. Most of the results emerged from the Commission after it has completed the processing of appeals and complaints of the three colors. The information obtained by the Agency (news) until yesterday evening, confirms that a coalition of state law on 94 seats, amid speculation that up Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 9:11 am



Al-Maliki Bloc Wins Most Seats in Iraqi Parliamentary Elections, Preliminary Results Show

Al-Maliki Bloc Wins Most Seats in Iraqi Parliamentary Elections, Preliminary Results Show


termPrime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s State Law Coalition won the most seats in Iraq’s parlimentary election last month, according to preliminary results, likely handing him a third term in office but also pressuring him to cut deals with rivals.

Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by Jwdwrd - at 9:07 am



Allawi: We have documents and figures demonstrate the process of rigging the election results

Allawi: We have documents and figures demonstrate the process of rigging the election results

Sunday, May 18th, 2014 12:06

Allawi-We have documents and figures demonstrate the process of rigging the election resultsBAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / The chairman of a coalition of national, Iyad Allawi, to possess the coalition and the coalitions other documents and evidence, and the numbers confirm the existence of fraud accompanied all stages of the electoral process, noting that more than 50 / / deputy will present a request to the House of Representatives to call a number of officials in the election commission to investigate them In light of the evidence.
Allawi said during an interview Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - May 18, 2014 at 9:52 am



190 deputies make up the new political alliance does not include al-Maliki

190 deputies make up the new political alliance does not include al-Maliki

Sunday, May 18th, 2014 18:43

190 deputies make up the new political alliance does not include al-MalikiBAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. Sources for political / Baghdadi News /, Sunday, that new alliance will be announced soon, is composed of 190 deputies from the main political blocs in winning elections, the Iraqi parliament does not include the Maliki’s coalition.
The sources said in an interview / Baghdadi News /, that “political alliance whatever will emerge in the coming days posed a number of political blocs comprising 190 deputies have regulated him blocks others including Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 9:46 am



Maliki lost the third term

Maliki lost the third term


Maliki lost the third termPalm – may get al-Maliki on the votes in the last election qualifies him to impose himself on the list of state law, and make its members convicted of allegiance to his person, bending to desire a third term, and then enter the door of the affairs of the internal list is not a third-party objection or claim put them right ..
This could be it cause of flies on the outskirts of the Shiite alliance, Almichzi mainly by al-Maliki’s policies and Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 9:16 am



Electoral Commission reveal significant changes in the number of potential seats entities, including Maliki’s coalition

Electoral Commission reveal significant changes in the number of potential seats entities, including Maliki’s coalition

Sunday, 18 May / May 2014 16:11

Electoral Commission reveal significant changes in the number of potential seats entities including Malikis coalition[Baghdad – where]

Revealed the Electoral Commission for elections for a possible major changes in the number of seats coalitions and political entities to participate in the elections of the House of Representatives, including the State of Law coalition led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

A member of the Board of Commissioners Kolshan Kamal told all of Iraq [where] “is likely to change the scales of entities participate in the elections Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 9:06 am



“News” unique to the pre-publication of the final results of the parliamentary elections of Iraq

“News” unique to the pre-publication of the final results of the parliamentary elections of Iraq

18-05-2014 03:36 PM

News-unique to the pre-publication of the final results of the parliamentary elections of IraqBaghdad (news) .. An official source at the Electoral Commission, on the progress of state law, the results of the parliamentary elections that took place on the thirtieth of April, by obtaining 92 seats in the whole of Iraq. said the source (of the Agency news): The election results proved Win a coalition of state law by obtaining (92) seats in all provinces, and by Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 8:51 am



Electoral Commission reveal concern due to accusations of fraud in favor of Maliki

Electoral Commission reveal concern due to accusations of fraud in favor of Maliki

17-05-2014 12:13 PM

Electoral Commission reveal concern due to accusations of fraud in favor of MalikiCrossed the Electoral Commission expressed deep concern and surprise at what he says some politicians questioned the charges against them, the most prominent of silence on the indicators the existence of widespread fraud in favor of the list of Prime Minister General Commander of the Armed Forces Nouri al-Maliki. Commission said in a statement today, she expresses surprise Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - May 17, 2014 at 9:46 am



“Wi-News” published the final results of the elections

“Wi-News” published the final results of the elections: 94 seats Maliki chest .. 33 .. 31 .. Najafi Hakim Allawi .. 30 19

2014/5/17 03:51:00 PM

Iraqi GovernmentBAGHDAD / Wi-News got “Wi-News” on Saturday, the final results of the elections of the Iraqi parliament, which showed for the coalition of state law on 94 seats, followed by the Sadrists and united and citizens. said a senior official in the Office of the elections, on condition of anonymity, for “Wi-News , “” The Commission ended the counting of votes, and reached the final results of the parliamentary elections for Iraq Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 8:58 am



Liberal: “Maliki” out of the game and “Douai” closest to the prime minister

Liberal: “Maliki” out of the game and “Douai” closest to the prime minister

Saturday, May 17th, 2014 10:36

Liberal-Maliki out of the game and Douai closest to the prime ministerBAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. the spokesman for the Liberal bloc Jawad al-Jubouri, Saturday, on the status of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, outside the framework of the National Alliance for the game, stressing that the governor of Maysan Ali Douai closest to fill the new post of prime minister.
Jubouri said in a press statement that “Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 8:39 am



Osman: Barzani talk about the non-participation of the Kurds in the next government “premature”

Osman: Barzani talk about the non-participation of the Kurds in the next government “premature”

Saturday, 17 May / May 2014 12:45

Osman-Barzani talk about the non-participation of the Kurds in the next government premature[Baghdad – where]

Description independent MP in the Kurdistan Alliance, Mahmoud Othman, a hint Kurdistan leader Massoud Barzani Kurds will not participate in the government and parliament in the next two years under the leadership of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for a third term as “premature.”

Said Osman told all of Iraq [where] that “such talk is premature unless the show the official election results and find out the rest of the positions of the parties and the forces of winning.”

Osman added that he “can not predict the time period that may be taken for Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 8:26 am



Hakim stresses the need for Allawi to form a “strong government” has a real project

Hakim stresses the need for Allawi to form a “strong government” has a real project

Friday 16 May 2014 09:51

Hakim stresses the need for Allawi to form a strong governmentAlsumaria News / Baghdad
The head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim, the leader of the National List, Iyad Allawi, to form a strong government that owns the project and the program of national real for the advancement of the country. According to one media organizations affiliated to the Supreme Council, “the head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim, visited yesterday evening Thursday, president of a coalition of national, Iyad Allawi, in the latter’s headquarters in Baghdad, “indicating that al-Hakim said during the meeting on” the need to Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - May 16, 2014 at 9:03 am



State law “insult” Allawi and invites him to review the self Doctors

State law “insult” Allawi and invites him to review the self Doctors


State law insult Allawi and invites him to review the self DoctorsPalm – considered the leadership of the coalition of state law, Hanan al, told the leader of the National List of Iyad Allawi as the first winner in Baghdad “reflects the state of collapse and unbalance,” indicating that the preliminary results indicate that the state law is in the lead in all the provinces.

Fatlawi said in a media interview that “permit the leader of the National List of Iyad Allawi as the winner and the first call for the exchange of peaceful transfer of power to the surprise of many he declares that it is the first Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 8:17 am



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