Posts Tagged ‘IMF’

IMF continues to work to bring “Yuan” of its currency to a basket

IMF continues to work to bring “Yuan” of its currency to a basket

14-06-2015 09:00 AM

IMF continues to work to bring Yuan of its currency to a basketAn official at the International Monetary Fund, said on Saturday, a team from the fund is visiting China, in the context of a review conducted on the possibility of inclusion of the Chinese yuan to its currency basket, pointing out that a review of the fund basket SDR ‘ongoing technical work is still at an early stage’.
According to the agency ‘Reuters’ official has sent a message via e-mail, and explained where the visit to China comes in the review carried out by a team from the Fund to hold substantive discussions. the framework of
Beijing is seeking to bring the yuan to the SDR basket, which may enhance the position in the financial system Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - June 14, 2015 at 9:30 am

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Governor of the Central Bank: borrowing from the International Monetary Fund to “reduce the budget deficit” and the Iraqi Reserve safely

Governor of the Central Bank: borrowing from the International Monetary Fund to “reduce the budget deficit” and the Iraqi Reserve safely

06/13/2015 11:44 GMT

Governor of the Central Bank - borrowing from the International Monetary Fund to reduce the budget deficit and the Iraqi Reserve safelyFollow-up – and babysit – The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords, that Iraq borrow from the International Monetary Fund is to support the state budget and reduce the deficit.
Keywords and said, “The amount that is expected by the International Monetary Fund and present it to the Iraq of borrowing door requires, among other issues Iraq must be submitted to facilitate access to such loans, similar to other countries to demonstrate that the country spends fiscal and monetary and economic real reforms encourage the International Monetary Fund to be The granting of the feasibility “of those loans.

He pointed out that “Iraq for the international loan will strengthen the financial position in the credit score meaning Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - June 13, 2015 at 9:30 am

Categories: CBI INFO & IRAQI DINAR NEWS   Tags: , , , , ,


IMF gives Iraq exceptional assistance

IMF gives Iraq exceptional assistance

06/06/2015 14:27

IMF gives Iraq exceptional assistanceChairman of the negotiating mission in Baghdad with the International Monetary Fund Carlo Sdralvic announced that the Fund decided to give Iraq an exceptional financial assistance worth 833 million dollars .

BAGHDAD / Obelisk: Head to negotiate with Baghdad mission of the International Monetary Fund Carlo Sdralvic announced that the Fund decided to give Iraq an exceptional financial assistance worth 833 million dollars, under the Fund rapid financing program .

A statement from the IMF Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - June 6, 2015 at 8:54 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


Finance Minister heads a delegation to negotiate with the International Monetary Fund

Finance Minister heads a delegation to negotiate with the International Monetary Fund

06/04/2015 09:24 GMT

Finance Minister heads a delegation to negotiate with the International Monetary FundAgencies – Finance Minister heading the Iraqi delegation in the negotiations with the International Monetary Fund in Amman to discuss the mechanics for a loan from the International Monetary Fund as part of a rapid financing mechanism.
It is hoped that Iraq gets a loan in the range of 827 million US dollars during Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - June 4, 2015 at 8:19 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


Iraq asks sooner a loan from the International Monetary Fund

Iraq asks sooner a loan from the International Monetary Fund


Iraq asks sooner a loan from the International Monetary FundFinance Minister Hoshyar Zebari said Iraq requested a loan of 850 million dollars from the International Monetary Fund for financial aid to cover urgent made in the budget deficit.

On the sidelines of meetings between Iraq and the IMF began on Wednesday morning (June 3) in Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - June 3, 2015 at 8:40 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


Newspaper: warnings of a third world war and Washington and China may be ends

Newspaper: warnings of a third world war and Washington and China may be ends

Publishing Date: Sat, 23 May two thousand and fifteen 16:50:25

Newspaper - warnings of a third world war and Washington and China may be endsBAGHDAD Today’s News

American billionaire and politician George Soros recently warned of the possibility of a third world war, predicting that the United States and China are both ends.

Newspaper “Market Watch” and quoted Soros that he believes that a third world war will be the basis of whether or not the situation of the Chinese economy linked. He explained Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - May 23, 2015 at 11:33 am

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Experts: borrowing from the International Monetary Fund increases the economic efficiency of the country

Experts: borrowing from the International Monetary Fund increases the economic efficiency of the country

07/05/2015 (00:01 pm)

Iraqi DinarBaghdad / al-Suhail Ahmed

Economists stressed that the borrowing from the IMF would impose on Iraq the commitment of reform and development programs in the economic side, and as pointed out that this borrowing will increase the economic efficiency of Iraq, indicated that Iraq would be obliged to provide high standards of transparency and the preparation of budgets in a scientific and sophisticated.

The economist said Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - May 7, 2015 at 8:56 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


Economist: on the government to demand their money withheld by the International Monetary Fund instead of borrowing it

Economist: on the government to demand their money withheld by the International Monetary Fund instead of borrowing it

Created on Tuesday 0.05 May 2015 9:44

Economist - on the government to demand their money withheld by the International Monetary Fund instead of borrowing itBAGHDAD / Sky Press: Faleh Hussein

Star economist warned al-Bayati, Tuesday, to borrow money from foreign international banks for the negative impact on the national economy, as the government called for a claim Iraq with money withheld by the International Monetary Fund instead of borrowing it.

Bayati said for “Sky Press,” that “the international organizations when they lend money, they set conditions and obligations of States Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - May 5, 2015 at 10:30 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


Iraq withdraw from its reserves

Iraq withdraw from its reserves

05.05.2015 12:06

Iraq withdraw from its reservesBrother – Baghdad
Director of the Middle East and Central Asia Department announced at the International Monetary Fund Masood Ahmed, Tuesday, that Iraq’s request financial assistance from the Fund, and as he emphasized that an agreement may be a loan of about $ 800 million in a matter of weeks, pointed out that Iraq has begun to withdraw from its reserves.
Ahmed said in a statement to “Reuters”, that “Iraq’s Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 9:45 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


Iraq is seeking to apply for a loan from the International Monetary after the deficit

Iraq is seeking to apply for a loan from the International Monetary after the deficit estimate by about $ 25 billion

05-05-2015 01:30 PM

Iraq is seeking to apply for a loan from the International Monetary after the deficitThe IMF said that Iraq’s request financial assistance, and it may be agreed a loan of about eight hundred million dollars in a matter of weeks. The director of the Middle East and Central Asia Department Fund Masood Ahmed will work committees in this regard in the coming weeks .. hope to reach an agreement in time relatively recently. He explained Ahmed is likely to submit the loan through rapid funding Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 7:54 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


Finance Minister: Iraq is seeking to obtain a sovereign rating

Finance Minister: Iraq is seeking to obtain a sovereign rating

30/04/2015 04:21

Finance Minister - Iraq is seeking to obtain a sovereign ratingBAGHDAD / Source News / .. Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari, on Thursday, that his country is seeking a sovereign rating and continue with the credit rating agencies as it prepares to issue huge bonds worth five billion dollars needed to cover the budget caused by lower oil prices deficit.
Zebari said in an interview I followed Agency / Source News / “We started the process, banks are Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - April 30, 2015 at 10:36 am



Najiba Najib: World Bank loan is not enough to fill the budget deficit

Najiba Najib: World Bank loan is not enough to fill the budget deficit


Najiba Najib - World Bank loan is not enough to fill the budget deficitBAGHDAD / … stressed member of the economic and investment commission parliamentary Najiba Najib, Wednesday, that the loan obtained by the Ministry of Finance of the International Monetary Fund is not enough to fill the state budget deficit, estimated at 25 trillion Iraqi%.

Said Najiba for “Eye Iraq News” that the loan is sufficient to meet Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - April 29, 2015 at 10:54 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


Iraq gets two loans from the International Monetary Fund over the next few months

Iraq gets two loans from the International Monetary Fund over the next few months

Wednesday, April 29, 2015 10:03

Iraq gets two loans from the International Monetary Fund over the next few monthsBAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / According to the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi for economic affairs adviser, on Wednesday, for near Iraq for two loans from the International Monetary Fund.
Saleh said in an interview with / Baghdadi News / “The task of consultations in Washington about borrowing between Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari and Governor of the Central Bank on the Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 9:53 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , , ,


Adviser Abadi : we consult for emergency financial assistance

Adviser Abadi : we consult for emergency financial assistance

Tuesday April 28, 2015 13:48

Adviser Abadi - we consult for emergency financial assistanceAlsumaria News / Baghdad
The Prime Minister reiterated adviser appearance of Mohammed Saleh , Tuesday, that Iraq undertake consultations with the International Monetary Fund for emergency financial assistance worth $ 800 million, with explained that the loan will be available to Iraq at any time and without conditions, he stressed that repaid will be in three years and an interest rate simple of 1%.

Saleh said in an interview with Alsumaria’s News, said that “consultations are still ongoing between the Central Bank and the IMF about the offer Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - April 28, 2015 at 9:50 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , , ,


Do we become hostage to the International Monetary Fund?

Do we become hostage to the International Monetary Fund?

04/27/2015 09:30: 002

IMFThe International Monetary Fund is the central institution in the international monetary system – any international payments and currency exchange rates which allows commercial transactions between different countries system.

Among what the lending member countries with balance of payments problems,

Also, the fund focuses mainly on macro-economic policies of Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - April 27, 2015 at 11:15 am



IMF lends Iraq $ 800 million went to borrow 3 billion

IMF lends Iraq $ 800 million went to borrow 3 billion

Date: 04/27/2015 18:18

IMF lends Iraq 800 million went to borrow 3 billionInformation / special / ..
Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister announced the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, on Monday, for the approval of the International Monetary Fund to lend Iraq $ 800 million with the government’s orientation for future borrowing from the IMF three billion dollars.
Saleh said in a statement to the Agency / information / that ” Finance Minister Light International Monetary Fund in order to Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 10:20 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


Keywords: Iraq worth two billion dollars to withdraw from the International Monetary

Keywords: Iraq worth two billion dollars to withdraw from the International Monetary

25-04-2015 04:26 PM

Keywords - Iraq worth two billion dollars to withdraw from the International MonetaryThe governor of the central bank and the agency relationship, the Special Drawing Rights granted to the countries participating in the International Monetary Fund and including Iraq is estimated at two billion dollars.
Keywords explained that the International Fund for Iraq did not lend until the moment he is considering providing a loan of $ 800 Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - April 25, 2015 at 10:25 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


First Look: U.S. Dollar Substitute to Go Public on Oct 20th?

First Look: U.S. Dollar Substitute to Go Public on Oct 20th?


IMF headquarters in Washington DC expected to release huge money announcement Oct 20th IMF headquarters in Washington D.C. expected to release huge money announcement Oct 20th Learn more…
The International Monetary Fund is one of the most secretive and powerful organizations in the world.

They monitor the financial health of more than 185 countries… they establish global money rules… and provide “bail-out” assistance to bankrupt nations.

And on Oct 20th of this year, the IMF is expected to announce a reserve currency alternative to the U.S. dollar, which will send Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - at 8:06 am

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IMF: emergency assistance to Iraq

IMF: emergency assistance to Iraq

04/21/2015 08:22 GMT

IMF - emergency assistance to IraqFollow-up – and babysit – IMF decided Tuesday to provide emergency financial assistance to Iraq, so as to reduce overhead in better financial crisis suffered by the result of the decline in world oil prices and the expenses of the war on terrorism.
A statement by the Ministry of Finance received news agency public opinion (and babysit), that “were technical and detailed Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - April 21, 2015 at 7:58 am



Zebari discuss with the International Monetary Fund financial reform steps to address the budget deficit

Zebari discuss with the International Monetary Fund financial reform steps to address the budget deficit

20/04/2015 10:51 GMT

Zebari discuss with the International Monetary Fund financial reform steps to address the budget deficitFollow-up – and babysit – Search Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari with the General Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, steps the financial and economic reform required to mitigate the financial crisis.
According to a ministry statement on Monday, the agency received reports of public opinion (and babysit), a copy of the “closed-door meeting, the finance ministers and central bank governors, held Read more…

Be the first to comment - What do you think?  Posted by admin - April 20, 2015 at 8:14 am

Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY   Tags: , ,


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