Governor of the Central Bank: borrowing from the International Monetary Fund to “reduce the budget deficit” and the Iraqi Reserve safely

Governor of the Central Bank: borrowing from the International Monetary Fund to “reduce the budget deficit” and the Iraqi Reserve safely

06/13/2015 11:44 GMT

Governor of the Central Bank - borrowing from the International Monetary Fund to reduce the budget deficit and the Iraqi Reserve safelyFollow-up – and babysit – The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank on the Keywords, that Iraq borrow from the International Monetary Fund is to support the state budget and reduce the deficit.
Keywords and said, “The amount that is expected by the International Monetary Fund and present it to the Iraq of borrowing door requires, among other issues Iraq must be submitted to facilitate access to such loans, similar to other countries to demonstrate that the country spends fiscal and monetary and economic real reforms encourage the International Monetary Fund to be The granting of the feasibility “of those loans.

He pointed out that “Iraq for the international loan will strengthen the financial position in the credit score meaning that the confidence of States and international financial institutions in Iraq become a higher level.”

Keywords explained that “the central bank not perceived value to the amount of $ 863 million but because it puts us in the best of financial transactions with countries global level.”

He said the “international loan paves the way for strengthening the global confidence of the Iraqi economy and brings us to a higher grade in other World Bank classification enables us to get more financial loans.”

And on the fate of the Iraqi reserves, the central bank governor said that “the current reserve is much more than $ 65 billion is still a high rate.”

He said the “reserve currency rate measured by exporting locally. If the ratio between foreign currency and the currency in circulation locally more than 100% means that the reserve status properly and insured.”

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