Parliamentary Energy: We have received a letter from the government to adopt the draft oil and gas law (HCL) in 2011
Parliamentary Energy: We have received a letter from the government to adopt the draft oil and gas law (HCL) in 2011
Tue, March 31 / March 2015 07:31
Received for the oil and energy parliamentary, a book from the government spends adoption of a draft oil and gas law, the 2011 edition.
The committee member said Razak Mheibes, told all of Iraq [where]: “” The committee has not yet decided with the Presidency read. ”
“The laws that can read Committee, are exempt foreign contractors Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Government refrain from passing the new oil law (HCL) and adhere to the law contrary to the Constitution
Legal representative: the government refrain from passing the new oil law (HCL) and adhere to the law contrary to the Constitution
27-03-2015 02:33 PM
He attributed a member of the Legal Committee of Parliament, Secretary Baker, not to refer the oil and gas law from the government to the House of Representatives to ‘lack of consistency between some of its articles and provisions of the Constitution’, expecting ‘lead law in the case of legislation to reduce the powers of the government in the oil field’, pointing out that Government today regulate oil work according to the old law, which is inconsistent with the Constitution. Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Abdul-Mahdi, confirms that the absence of an oil law (HCL) is the cause of the current crisis in the country
Abdul-Mahdi, confirms that the absence of an oil law (HCL) is the cause of the current crisis in the country
12/03/2015 13:22 GMT
Follow-up – and babysit – Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, on Thursday, that the absence of a law on oil and gas is the reason to raise the current crises faced by Iraq.
Abdul-Mahdi said in a statement that “the need to have a law on the production and export of oil,” he said, Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, oil and gas law
Parliamentary Oil: failure to approve oil and gas law (HCL) is a violation of constitutionally
Parliamentary Oil: failure to approve oil and gas law (HCL) is a violation of constitutionally
08/03/2015 09:53
Direction Press Special /
Confirmed the Commission on oil in the House of Representatives member Kaveh Mohammad, said on Sunday that his committee received a copy of the oil and gas law, sent to the Council of Ministers in the House of Representatives earlier.
Mohammed explained in an interview for “direction Press” that the House has returned all the bills and Dmnaha oil and gas law to the new government, considering that the government should have a Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Abdul-Mahdi calls to approve oil and gas law (HCL)
Abdul-Mahdi calls to approve oil and gas law (HCL)
07/03/2015 (20:33)
BAGHDAD / long-Presse
Called Iraqi Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, on Saturday, to approve oil and gas law, as he emphasized that the ministry is seeking to achieve a true partnership with the provincial councils in the oil trading and contracting with companies.
Adel Abdul-Mahdi said in a statement on the sidelines of the second conference to discuss mutual powers between the federal government and local governments in the oil and gas Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Oil Minister is the experience of the central government to “failed experiment” and contested provincial budget
Oil Minister is the experience of the central government to “failed experiment” and contested provincial budget [Expanded]
Saturday 0.07 March / March 2015 16:28
Counting Oil Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, the experience of the central government to “failed experiment” announced in the provincial stabbed one of the financial budget for 2015 articles of the law. ”
The oil minister said during a press conference held today with the heads of councils and governors after a deliberative meeting on Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Dollar, HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Council Basra announce progressive set of proposals for the adoption of the most important infallible oil and gas law (HCL)
Council Basra announce progressive set of proposals for the adoption of the most important infallible oil and gas law (HCL)
25/02/2015 16:40
Awan / Basra
The Board of Basra on Wednesday, for presenting a set of proposals to the President of the Republic, Fuad Masum, pack things that will strengthen the relationship between the federal government and local governments include, most notably the adoption of the oil and gas law, returned to private Baghdad tours oil licenses without the consent of the province constitutes ” violation of “legally.
The Chairman of the Commission on oil and gas Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, oil and gas law
Special / prepare a new draft law of oil and gas to activate the role of “Sumo” in oil export (HCL)
Special / prepare a new draft law of oil and gas to activate the role of “Sumo” in oil export (HCL)
BAGHDAD – Iraq Press – February 18 2015
Revealed the oil ministry for preparation of a new draft law of oil and gas being out of work now.
A spokesman for the Oil Ministry, Assem Jihad, L / Iraq Press / he “is now being prepared will be the general contours legally put the national interest above all else, while ensuring an equitable distribution of oil wealth and that is subject to the law when they discuss in the parliament for the same consensus that characterize the process of law-making in Iraq, “he said, adding,” The new version which will be a significant Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Recommendations pave the way for enactment of the oil and gas law (HCL)
Recommendations pave the way for enactment of the oil and gas law (HCL)
With the participation of a number of specialists in the field of economy, energy and some former ministers, parliamentarians and a number of civilian activists systems in Vtdq Ishtar under the supervision of Tammuz Organization for Development conference to discuss the importance of the enactment of the oil and gas law and discuss ways to reach recommendations serve the law was passed to end the problems related to it.
And showed active Vian Sheikh Ali president of Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Special / new draft oil and gas law entitles “Sumo” manage the export of oil exclusively (HCL)
Special / new draft oil and gas law entitles “Sumo” manage the export of oil exclusively (HCL)
Baghdad-Iraq Press -8 February 2015
Revealed the oil and energy parliamentary about the absence of any draft law of oil and gas in the House of Representatives, after prepared to Aovernmhmund in 2011, noting that “blackish-current law in the corridors of government includes a clause restricts the export of Iraqi oil management Sumo company under the Ministry of Oil
He Edwalganh MP Tariq’s friend / Iraq Press /, that there is “a new project for the oil and gas law with Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
The rule of law: the new draft oil and gas law, the Council of Ministers (HCL)
The rule of law: the new draft oil and gas law, the Council of Ministers (HCL)
Sunday, February 8, 2015 14:43
BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / … confirmed the MP for the coalition of state law, high Nassif, Sunday, that the draft form of oil and gas law in the process of discussion of the Cabinet.
Nassif said in an interview / Baghdadi News / “The draft oil and gas law now under discussion in the Council of Ministers.”
Nassif added that “there are more than a formula provided by more than one Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, oil and gas law
Government intends to draft a new draft of the law of oil and gas (HCL)
Government intends to draft a new draft of the law of oil and gas (HCL)
03/02/2015 10:45
Tomorrow Press / Baghdad revealed to Oil and Energy Committee in the House of Representatives, on Tuesday, the government’s intent to write a new draft law of oil and gas in the coming period and in line with the new data, the oil and conventions.
The committee member said Tariq Rashid friend for “tomorrow Press”, “The Return of Parliament in 2011 draft oil and gas law, which the government sent Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, oil and gas law
Parliamentary Energy Council of Ministers has yet to agree on oil and gas law
Parliamentary Energy Council of Ministers has yet to agree on oil and gas law and will be discussed after the National Guard
03/02/2015 15:46
Tomorrow Press / BAGHDAD: A member of the Oil and Energy Committee in the House of Representatives Zaher al-Abadi, on Tuesday, the Cabinet has not yet been agreed on after the oil and gas law, because there are some differences on some points of law, noting that the Council of Ministers will discuss it after the completion of the National Guard Law .
Ebadi said for “tomorrow Press”, “The two versions of the law of oil and gas, the 2007 version and 2011 modified but Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Sadoun: economic laws will go to Parliament and must start from the legislation oil and gas law (HCL)
Sadoun: economic laws will go to Parliament and must start from the legislation oil and gas law (HCL)
Sunday, February 1, 2015 08:00
He said in the parliamentary legal committee member, said there are a number of economic laws will go in the Council of Representatives of legislation in the next stage, stressing “the need to begin legislation oil and gas law.”
He said committee member Mohsen al-Sadoun told all of Iraq [where] “There is a body of laws we need it in the next phase Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, Iraqi Dinar, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
After approval of the budget in 2015 .. claims to expedite the enactment of the oil and gas law (HCL)
After approval of the budget in 2015 .. claims to expedite the enactment of the oil and gas law (HCL)
BAGHDAD / JD / .. After enabling the House of Representatives of the approval of the draft federal budget for 2015 Act a total of $ 119 trillion dinars, a number of experts and specialists in economic affairs called for supporting the Iraqi economy laws, including oil and gas law, legislation, because of its great importance in regulation of the oil industry process in Iraq, as well as it will stimulate international companies to invest in gas, which will make the country’s large Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, Iraqi budget 2015, Iraqi Dinar, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Parliamentary Energy reveal an alternative draft oil and gas law of former Law
Parliamentary Energy reveal an alternative draft oil and gas law of former Law
Information / Baghdad / ..
revealed the oil and energy parliamentary, on Monday, the start of the Council of Ministers to draft a bill that ensures the oil agreement last between the Governments of the region and the center instead of the draft previous oil and gas law.
The committee member said Tariq Rashid told / information / , “The oil and gas law was Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Kurdistan: went to approve oil and gas law during the next legislative term (HCL)
Kurdistan: went to approve oil and gas law during the next legislative term (HCL)
TUESDAY 0.06 / JANUARY 2015 11:20
Twilight News / said the Kurdistan Alliance member, on Tuesday, that there is a trend of all the political blocs to approve oil and gas law during the next legislative term, due to start on Wednesday, indicating that the government is currently considering a draft oil and gas law.
Said Mohsen al-Sadoun for “Twilight News”, that “there is a copy of the oil and gas law exists Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
The government is determined to resolve the oil and gas law file (HCL)
The government is determined to resolve the oil and gas law file (HCL)
01/06/2015 2:58 a.m.
Brother – Baghdad
Announced the Prime Minister’s Office, the government’s determination to resolve the enactment of the oil and gas law to resolve the dispute between Baghdad and Erbil and oil-producing provinces.
He said the media spokesman for the office, Saad al-Sabri said in a statement seen by the Agency for News Agency (et) that “the government seriously trying to resolve the oil and gas law, which sparked sharp differences between Baghdad and Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Deputy: Baghdad and Erbil on the verge of understanding on oil and gas law (HCL)
Deputy: Baghdad and Erbil on the verge of understanding on oil and gas law (HCL)
05/01/2015 02:05
BAGHDAD / Source News / .. said the Kurdistan Alliance member Mehdi Haj Issa, on Monday, that the governments in Baghdad and Erbil in the process of final understanding on oil and gas law. ”
He said Issa told / Source News / “This is very important for the region of Kurdistan and Baghdad, where the law has been formed special committees to reach an understanding about.”
“The Kurdistan region is making great efforts to pass the Act, which is Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, oil and gas law
Oil Ministry: Abadi Ghadhban cost chaired a committee to prepare the oil and gas law (HCL)
Oil Ministry: Abadi Ghadhban cost chaired a committee to prepare the oil and gas law (HCL)
01-01-2015 01:42 PM
Fallujah News / Baghdad … The Iraqi Oil Ministry, for the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, commissioned by the head of the advisers Thamer Ghadhban, to prepare a draft oil and gas law.
He said ministry spokesman Assem Jihad said ‘According to our information, the prime minister instructed the former oil minister and head of the advisers Thamer Ghadhban headed committee to prepare a draft oil and gas law, and submitted to the Cabinet for approval ‘, Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law