Sulaiman: Abadi demands arrest, “al-Maliki” will not accept the presence of the crowd in Anbar
Sulaiman: Abadi demands arrest, “al-Maliki” will not accept the presence of the crowd in Anbar
Erbil – Iraq Press – February 28 2015
In a statement is the most significant since the last events of Anbar, said the Emir of the Dulaimi tribe Ali Hatem al-Suleiman, on Saturday, during a press conference in Arbil, “If he wants the Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, and the government reconcile the fact with (year), he arrested al-Maliki being organized Daash came from. ”
He said Suleiman “We will not accept the existence of the popular crowd forces in our organization to address Daash”, vowing to “targeting them by tribal members in case of their deployment there.”
“The regulation will not come out of Anbar, but the will of the people of the tribes that represents Anbar is one of the fights and Daash Sikhrjh of regions and restores the displaced to their homes.” Admiral ended