Shabibi arrest warrant not devoid of a political nature
Observers believe that the political nature are prevailing today in the various economic and financial decision, especially in independent institutions should be free from political interference for sensitivity such as the central, pointing saying to political reasons obvious to dismiss Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi despite exceeding five years prescribed in the Bank Act .
says economist Majid picture that charges for all employees key in the Central Bank is in fact can not be considered only a matter of Tsagit political, especially to change the central bank governor by executive power is exceeded legal fact that this issue should be through Parliament, not even a parliamentary committee, but Parliament itself.
explained Suri in a statement singled out (range) that charges based on the reports BSA, which did not specify clearly people who were charged for them.
“We The whole subject was a dispute over the conduct of monetary policy of the Bank Central, and it is known that the central bank generally as an institution able to contribute significantly to reduce Iraqi debt abroad in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, pointing out that the central bank policy in general have increased the power of investing in Iraq and increased confidence in Iraqi dinars, as well as its direct impact or is direct reduction ratio higher inflation, which reached the 67%.
pointed Suri to that in the political and security conditions and economic conditions in Iraq, of course, possible that there is an imbalance in the administration, can not be the central bank alone to control in those circumstances, there may be some failures and some excesses But he generally overall assessment of the policy of the central bank monetary was positive and not only by the Iraqi community, but international circles in general.
between Suri that this decision or the whole subject opened the door of the media to raise about certain figures before starting the investigation and before checking the accusations, It can not in any way be used by the media before that in the words of the judiciary speech.
urgency hurt the economy
and continued “urgency in the decision had an impact on the Iraqi economy and international relations of economic and make the Iraqi market in anticipation severe in relation to the future to see the new policies to be taken by the central bank, despite the state of reassurance Mini achieved by the appointment of a new governor directly and not to leave the job.
so stressed economic expert as Abdul Hadi that there are accusations addressed to Governor of the Bank subject of administrative corruption politicized sense smuggling money to like.
continued Abdul Hadi in telephone (range) that the sensitivity of such a topic should announce its opinion judiciary by any expert because he does not regard with Bank policies and failing attributed his success, but the subject of administrative corruption accused by Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi. should be resolved within the framework of the judiciary to know you actually that the bank was spoken of by issues money laundering or larger as advertised.
revealed Abdul Hadi for the existence of an item at the Central Bank Law itself is that the governor should change after five years, and today Bank Governor lasted for eight years, the matter of principle possible But change like these way may raise doubts awaiting final word from the judiciary.
pointed Abdul Hadi to “think that the central bank has failed in many things with respect to a person of Dr. Shabibi only he as an administrator highest in the bank to bear all administrative responsibility and monetary policies if there is a any defect in the work, despite the total recognition tranquil management that mar the central bank.