Sayadi reveals the involvement of the executive and legislative branches central bank file
Confirmed Rep. independent MP Kazem Sayadi, implicated senior politicians in the state of smuggling $ 200 billion, denying his media names involved file the Central Bank.
said Sayadi’s / JD /: The file central bank refers to the involvement of officials in the executive and legislative money laundering and smuggling out of the country, Mtdarka, but the Second Committee which was formed by the presidency of the parliament does not want to disclose the names involved. “
and said: there names political and signed herself on the process of engaging some banks and institutions with money laundering, and the situation exploited to include some names politically motivated.
denied Sayadi, to be told the names of suspected involvement with money laundering, pointing out that the Second Committee, which formed its purpose is only to cover up the names involved motivated political pressure away names by the Department of accusation.
pointed out that the investigation final reveal the involvement of some staff smaller ones, while you go a lot of investigations, “the wind”
and demanded Sayadi presidency of the parliament accrediting Commission’s investigation first, and then send the file to the Integrity Commission and the Iraqi judiciary, and the Bureau of Investigation in the Integrity announced the names involved to give them a chance to defend herself and did not find himself excuse , then it is better place for him to sit in jail and not representative of the Iraqi people, whether in government Alniveh or legislature.
said independent MP: The Presidency of the Central Bank and signed the documents and invoices, then, is actually a common process of money laundering.
was central bank governor article Shabibi had demanded, all documents which accused him of the Integrity Commission to money laundering in order to respond.
Shabibi said defying’s / JD /: I demand the documents and books that refer to Torti money laundering in order to answer.
revealed Shabibi he would respond to all charges against him, and prove his innocence, reports suspicious issued against him, stressing that the days next witness revealed all the facts.
mentions that the judiciary has issued an arrest warrant for Shabibi Iraqi Central Bank Governor on the background of suspicions of money.
According to the report submitted by the committee overseeing the central bank, which included both of the heads of the two financial, economic and Control Bureau financial supervision, First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Qusay al-Suhail: that investigations proved the existence of sale of foreign currency to banks and corporations themselves and that has smuggled to neighboring countries.
mentions that the Cabinet decided to assign Prime BSA Abdul Basit Turki management position central bank governor and agency, with the issuance of Judicial Council arrest warrant against former central bank governor and a number of officials in corruption cases.
revealed member Parliamentary Finance Committee Magda Tamimi that Abdel Basset Turki has prepared the report that has underpinned Parliament’s Committee in accusing the central bank governor.
said Tamimi’s / JD /: Reports which accused the Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi and a number of officials and employees of the bank came as reports prepared by Abdul Basit Turki, who took acting governor of the bank, succeeding Hbibi, and provided to financial control.
noteworthy that Magda Tamimi a Standing Committee members within the Knesset Finance to monitor and follow up the work of the Bank Central.
objected placeholders on procedures intense taken on, yesterday cordoned off the central bank by the security forces to implement the arrest warrant against the bank’s employees accused of corruption according to the results of the report prepared by the Committee which was formed by the presidency of the parliament.
and wished Tamimi that those who have been arrested already corrupt, could not have been among them innocent, and this action will affect the reputations of professional and social.
noted it with justice procedures and the law, but not to promote the media and then issued arrest warrants. wondered member Parliamentary Finance Committee MP for the Liberal bloc: no action was taken quickly right Central Bank did not take with other ministries, what the political motivation of these actions?.