Saudi writer accuses Obama of “sects”
Saudi writer accuses Obama of “sects”
12/09/2014 11:06
BAGHDAD / Obelisk: accused Saudi writer Ahmad Faraj, US President Barack Obama as a “Shiite”, for his insistence on improving relations with Iran, and not to attack the attack on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.
The show Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states of political discontent with the US administration, which is seeking to balanced relations with bordering the Gulf states.
And transfer Faraj for US journalist friend, in what appeared fabricated more than the fact that “we in America are accused of Obama as Shiite hidden, and what I fear, and fear others is that Obama’s soft policy with Iran will not enter history, and may end up being to make history, but as one of the worst American presidents, who loose the American allies, and could not win the bitterest enemies, that if Iran – really – of the enemies of the American Empire. ”
He said Faraj in his article, which I followed, “obelisk” in the “homeland” Arabia, titled “Is Ichia Barack Obama,” President Barack Obama aspires, as others, to go down in history, he seems to have resolved his command, and gambled that the solution to the problem of program Iran’s nuclear program, and re-American relations – Iran to normal is the way to history, has been sold – for the sake of this dream – most of America’s historic allies, and indicate leaks published, after the resignation of Defense Minister Cech Hegel, that debate unfriendly happened between the two, as Hegel Obama asked about the secret of his message to the Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, Obama said: “The Khamenei, who has the last word, and has a deterrent force against the Revolutionary Guards !!, then asked Hegel about the secret of variation American policy with Daash in Syria and Iraq, Obama said the goal Tehran is a notice that we are keen to boyfriend !! Bashar al-Assad, and we exclude our allies, and the opposition of Syria, if the price !! nuclear signature, then Hegel wondered about the secret of these concessions, Obama replied: We aspire to be a future partner of Iran in the region. ”
And show the Gulf states, led by Saudi Arabia, fears of Iranian-American understandings on nuclear and other issues. Just trying to keep the relations between Tehran and Washington is weak, it is also seeking to sabotage the Iran-Iraq relations are any strengthening of relations between Tehran and Baghdad, the source of threat to its interests, and political systems.