Report: Iraq ranked last in the list of environmental index for 2012
26/02/2012 12:20
Erbil, February 26 (Rn) – An international report said that Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, of the countries that top the list for a long time in the highest degree of corruption and classifications freedoms, and now add another assessment disappointing to this list, they are also in the bottom of the index of environmental performance or the (EPI) in 2012. and produced the index by researchers at the universities of Yale and Columbia in the United States, in cooperation with the World Economic Forum, and ranked 132 countries, across 10 categories including politics, the environment, including air and water pollution, climate change, biodiversity and management forestry, and fisheries management. Based on data from the World Bank and the United Nations and other institutions, aims the cursor to highlight the achievements of States in the field of environment, as well as shortcomings and policy guidance for this. said Project Manager Yale supervisor of the Environmental Performance Index, Angel Hsu, it’s around the world has increased access to drinking water standards and sanitation in the past 10 years, but fell in other areas, including mitigation of climate change. and the record of greenhouse gas and one of the factors behind the rank Kazakhstan recent of 129 in the index this year . Hsu added, “For Kazakhstan, it was performed lower on climate change (and quality) air, and this is due to the fact that it is highly dependent on coal.” According to Hsu, the “45 percent of carbon dioxide emissions come from power plants in the country’s coal-fired, and what I found interesting is that it has very little government policies actively to expand the energy in the electricity sector.” diversion of rivers and other problems for the management water and politically charged issues facing the region as a whole withdrawing Kazakhstan also to the bottom of the list. comes Turkmenistan, from second to last on the index, where the struggles strongly with the emissions, and agricultural drainage water, and waste management. and ranked number 106, comes Russia 2012, portend place of danger, but not at the bottom. However, says Hsu said that during 10 years of data, comes Russia late in the past between the countries surveyed for environmental progress. scored Moscow, she says, “going in the wrong direction.” In part lower too this year’s list comes Iraq, are arranged says about Hsu, “they understood with concern the environmental beat him the need to build a government.” and Baghdad will have to face considerable environmental degradation, and issues of water management, air pollution is to Atnkhvd have performance criteria but it is in retreat. The index of 2012, the best performance for Switzerland, Latvia, Norway, Luxembourg, Costa Rica. came the UK in a ranking of 9, and the United States ranked 49, while was in China was ranked 116. Magda Optimizer