Prospective bilateral agreement between Iraq and Russia allows it to hit Daash in Mosul and Anbar

Prospective bilateral agreement between Iraq and Russia allows it to hit Daash in Mosul and Anbar

04/10/2015 20:47

Prospective bilateral agreement between Iraq and Russia allows it to hit Daash in Mosul and AnbarLong-Presse / Baghdad
Being an Iraqi delegation talks in Moscow to put the finishing touches on “bilateral alliance” between Iraq and Russia will be announced soon. This alliance, which is being worked on as well as “quadruple alliance”, with both Syria and Iran, will open the door to Russia for strikes against Daash in Anbar and Mosul.
The prime minister Haider al-Abadi hinted, in his news conference Saturday, the possibility of concluding bilateral agreements with regional and international parties to face Daash.
Abadi and expressed surprise at “some of the parties that have made reservations to cooperate with Russia against al Daash,” adding that “there is no reservations about directing air strikes against Russia Daash in Iraq, provided the consent of the Iraqi government.”
Said parliamentary sources (range), yesterday, that “high-level security delegation present in the Russian capital Moscow to finalize arrangements on a bilateral military alliance between Iraq and Russia will emerge soon.”
And suggested parliamentary sources, who spoke on condition of disclosure, that “this could be the Russian side of the coalition air strikes on Daash sites in Mosul and Anbar, or even dropping off to do ground troops if necessary.”
In the meantime, unfolding details “quadripartite coalition,” which was announced last week. According to the parliamentarians, the coalition will be a focal point intelligence includes 24 experts, by 6 people from each country, and works to control Daash movement on the Iraqi and Syrian sides.
According to deputies, the Russian side will show fear of exacerbating the risk of Chechen fighters in 2500 and arrived in the region through Turkish territory, and that the four-party alliance will monitor the movement of recruiting militants for Daash.
And revealed Moscow, on Friday, for a “special charter” will be adopted soon to determine the responsibilities of the parties to the four-party alliance, while confirming that all parties enjoy equal rights as far as the Information Center in Baghdad.
Maj. Gen. Sergei Koralenko, the Russian representative in Baghdad, Information Center, in a press interview I followed (range Press), said that “the responsibilities of the four parties to be established by special charter will be adopted soon.” He added that “all four parties Russia, Iran, Iraq and Syria enjoy equal rights in the information center in Baghdad.”
In this context Mutaiota MP Ali, a member of the parliamentary security committee that “the intelligence says the room will be based in the capital Baghdad and the presidency will be periodically between the members of the four-party alliance every three months.”
He Mutaiota (range) that “this room is to collect information in order to provide joint operations to take advantage of them in the war against Daash,” explaining that “the room will include six experts from each of the four-party alliance countries at the rate of 24 experts.”
He said a member of the security committee by saying that “these experts will exchange intelligence information to track down elements Daash through the information they receive via satellite and cooperation with the intelligence services of these states.” He predicted “the room start work in the next few periods.”
Furthermore, says MP from the coalition of state law, Jassim Mohammed Jaafar said “intelligence cooperation between Russia and Iran, Iraq and Syria has existed for a long time to follow the movements of terrorist elements on the Syrian and Iraqi arenas,” pointing out that “the intelligence room Quartet will be tasked with monitoring the start of militants from Chechnya and Turkey and their entry into Iraq and Syria. ”
He said Jaafar, told the (range), that “the Russian and Iraqi governments are engaged in negotiations for the formation of a bilateral military alliance in isolation from the four-party alliance D than be supplied Iraq with weapons and a database for the presence of terrorists and their entry into Iraq.”
The attention of the leader of the Dawa Party, to “the existence of a Russian fear of the presence of armed Chechens in 2500 on the Iraqi and Syrian territory, which encouraged the Russian and Iraqi sides to start bilateral cooperation in the next phase.”
And refers MP Jassem Jaafar that “the Russian deal against Daash different from the American way, which is not targeted in the mosques or in populated places so as not to be exploited Daash”, recalling that “the Russian army treated with all the harshness with elements Daash present in Syria through raids Air, which recently carried out. ”
And on the US reservations about the Russian intervention to counter Daash in the region, the former minister affirms that “the statements issued by the American politicians against the four-party alliance focused in the framework of the election campaign.”
In the same context says MP Ali al-Badri, a member of the National Alliance, said that “the American side on a conservative four-party alliance and the Russian moves in the region,” adding that “these alliances jumped to US interests in the region.”
He said al-Badri, said in an interview with the (range), “The Gulf states look to Russian moves and four-party alliance as a strengthening of Iranian influence in the region,” referring to “political pressures exerted by Turkey and the Gulf to thwart the four-party alliance and Russian moves”.
Of Mohammad Sabah ..