Position of the political crisis in Baghdad threatens the collapse of the coalition party, “Talabani and Barzani”
Position of the political crisis in Baghdad threatens the collapse of the coalition party, “Talabani and Barzani”
Palm – amounted to differences Kurdish – Kurdish effort to withdraw confidence from Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the stage is now threatening the collapse of internal consensus and strategic alliance which has existed for seven years between the party of President Jalal Talabani and Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani, amid expectations of new alliances. denied Talabani signed a book withdraw confidence from the al-Maliki, after the leaders emphasized the KDP “Kurdistan Democratic” by newspaper-term Kurdish President signed the resolution in an effort of Barzani to create stressful conditions towards the Taliban to speed up the application to withdraw confidence in spite of the considerable uncertainty that accompanied the process of collecting votes required and the large number of names which are contained in the list of MPs have expressed their opposition to overthrow the government.
The statement of the President of the Republic and Secretary General of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) Jalal Talabani Petkvebh the news of approval of the request to withdraw confidence from the Maliki blow to the director of the long Kurdish Fakhri Karim Zangana him in an embarrassing situation in front of public opinion as well as the message was explicit in which he Talabani rejected the policy of fait accompli that he wants Barzani, President of the Republic where the rhythm.
In contrast, among the confirmed party “National Union”, led by Talabani’s difficult to predict the results and repercussions of the crisis on the level of Kurdish, especially that the probability of failure of an attempt removal of the existing Iraqi government, a goal which put the full weight of Barzani to achieve.
In light of this tension between Talabani and Barzani, renewed concerns within the region to shake this position relationship the two parties, the Chairman of the Political Science Department at the Faculty of law and politics at the University of Sulaimaniya Sardar able to al-Hayat Saudi Arabia: that the National Union believes that the withdrawal of confidence may come out the results unsatisfactory For the Kurds, and even in the event of withdrawal of al-Maliki, the crisis that govern Iraq Straouh place, and may continue Almenachrat of the Interior, until the new elections, and added that Barzani’s position stems exclusively from the reality of the region.
On the nature of the impact of regional countries in the positions of the two men, he can: There is a formula fixed for the Kurds, which is that Barzani tends to regional position is Shiite, like Turkey and the Gulf States and the United States, in contrast, Talabani is close to the Shiite forces, and the National Alliance, pointing out a contradiction in political behavior of the two parties, Vlhadtehma demands are touring in the mind of the leaders of both parties, had been under heavy pressure from these rules.
He added that the contest between the two sides is not tactical, but would threaten the strategic alliance between them, and we will be in front of a new political alliances in the next elections, which began to show through each party sought a rapprochement with the opposition parties.
The leaders of the two parties finally held separate meetings with opposition forces, most notably under the leadership of the MDC breakaway party Nawshirwan Mustafa Talabani, who became the most competitors in the Kurdish scene, after the emergence of his role in the establishment of the first opposition movement.
According to these perceptions, and inconsistency the last positions in a decisive issue, began to show concerns an internal on the future of the unity of the region which was subjected to vibrations caused by civil war fought by the parties in May 1994 and lasted four years used where Massoud Barzani forces the Republican Guard of the tyrant Saddam led later to the formation of two separate administrations in each of Sulaymaniyah, Erbil, the parties were unable to unification so far.
Source: nakhelnews