Politician: 3 reasons behind Al-Halbousi’s “sudden” leave

Politician: 3 reasons behind Al-Halbousi’s “sudden” leave


Politician - 3 reasons behind Al-Halbousis sudden leaveInformation / Baghdad
On Friday, independent politician Adnan Muhammad Al-Tamimi identified three reasons behind Al-Halbousi’s sudden leave.

Al-Tamimi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “With the arrival of the budget to the House of Representatives and the imminent delivery of it to the Parliamentary Finance Committee for the purpose of studying it, Parliament Speaker Muhammad Al-Halbousi announces that he has suddenly granted himself a 14-day leave.”

He added, “Three reasons may stand behind Al-Halbousi’s sudden leave, which is to remedy a collapse that may occur in his bloc, or that he is trying to deliver a message to other political forces that support his change, or that it is a message of protest against the items of the budget.”

He pointed out, “The national interest requires al-Halbousi to be present in order to speed up the pace of resolving the paragraphs of the budget, and not to give himself a two-week leave.”

The Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad al-Halbousi, suddenly granted himself a two-week leave, for reasons not officially announced.
