Political consensus to approve oil and gas law

Political consensus to approve oil and gas law

8/31/2016 0:00

Political consensus to approve oil and gas lawFollowing the «common understandings between the province and the center»
BAGHDAD – morning the
whole number of deputies on the existence of conviction among political blocs approve oil and gas law after he suffered from many political differences on the approval, stressing that the next few days will see the discussion of the law in the House of Representatives sessions. Calls to acknowledge, came after the political understandings that resulted from a meeting of Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi, the provincial delegation, who visited Baghdad yesterday, and discussed a number of important files, including oil. The government spokesman, Saad al – Hadithi, have said »Sabah» that the meeting Abadi officials Kurds, seen to reach agreement on «hold technical talks between the Federal Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources in the province on the oil file».
, Said the Oil and Energy Committee rapporteur Adil Khamis: The «approve oil and gas law formula that satisfies all the political parties, would be a positive sign towards the development and construction of state institutions in a practical». He stressed in a statement »Sabah» that « the law Corner for several years on the shelves of the House of Representatives because of political differences it, but now the House of Representatives are now looking at the total broken laws -omnha oil and Algaz- as the backbone of the work of the state, and approval will organize state institutions work» . Khamis explained that «there is no intention and political consensus on the approval of the law; it will be a cause for resolving the many crises and the outstanding problems between the political blocs, including between the central government and the province will contribute to a starting job investments that will help in the development of the oil sector».
And the MP that « the next few days will witness the launch law for debate in the House of Representatives, in the presence of conviction among the blocks on the importance of this law and the benefits that could accrue to Iraq, including political stability , »pointing out that« the Kurdistan Alliance has sufficient conviction to approve the law , although some
observations ». package laws as confirmed by a member of the legal Committee parliament, MP for the coalition of Kurdish blocs Amin Bakr, the intention of parliament to approve a draft oil and gas law in the coming period. Bakr said in a press statement: «we have a package of laws , including the justice and accountability and financial laws exempting companies from taxes and oil and gas law» adding that «there determination to approval ». region and the provinces for his part, said the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary member Zaher al – Abadi: that« the federal government withdrew a draft oil and gas law , because they need a consensus between the provincial government and the provinces, and therefore there must be harmony and visions of substantive enactment of the law ». He pointed out in a statement to «morning» that «the House of Representatives is determined to legislation discreet bill that would preserve the rights of the province and the center and the provinces and therefore need time for legislation». The MP added that « the law will contribute to resolving many of the problems and help to achieve the ambition of the people especially in the installation of provincial rights and benefits would benefit the whole of Iraq», pointing out that «the law is passed in this time will be by political blocs , as legislative».
