Pentagon: formation of a national guard in isolation from the Baghdad government entered into force

Pentagon: formation of a national guard in isolation from the Baghdad government entered into force

Washington-Iraq Press -6 July 2015

Pentagon - formation of a national guard in isolation from the Baghdad government entered into forceOfficials in the Pentagon revealed that Washington’s efforts to arm Sunni and formation of a national guard to protect their areas in isolation from the Iraqi government tribes, entered into to implement and became an order enabled, especially after the arrival of 450 American soldiers to the Habbaniyah base, not two laps to seek US administration to re-activate the Awakening program.

He said Pentagon officials told “Reuters” that “the US efforts today pour about programming Sunni tribes to take a role in fighting al Daash in control of large areas of the territory of that clan”, adding time itself “The trainers Americans went out in the past few days 500 fighters of the Sunni tribes In Anbar, it is hoped their participation in military operations to be launched in a few days. ”

Pentagon revealed through her spokesman Col. Steven Warren, “The US administration in the process of arming Sunni tribes directly isolation from the Iraqi government, despite the statements of US officials confirmed Washington’s commitment to arming tribes across the Iraqi government a window.”

According to the US official today trained about more than a thousand tribal fighters in Anbar military base progress and that’s what would help the security forces to progress towards the restoration of the cities of Anbar province under the control of militants Daash almost a year ago.

The officials continued that “the efforts of the United States moving toward the reactivation of the Sunni Awakening program, which has long pressed the tribes to get it back after its dissolution at the hands of the previous government, which was run by Nouri al-Maliki.”

And waved in comments carried by “Reuters” that “the White House statement on seeking to form the Iraqi National Guard troubled parliamentary independently of the government and parliament of Iraqi decisions, there are efforts to arm the Sunni community, especially tribal armed base Ein al-Assad air in Anbar, after they volunteered to fight about six thousand tribal fighters “.

US officials believe, that “the Sunni community had military training in military bases Anbar and ended the training in urban warfare, but they complained of the lack of weapons, especially weapons provided by the Iraqi government is not enough for them as well as for its simplicity” .anthy (1)