Parliamentary Finance meets with Kurdish representatives about the budget … and a last resort

Parliamentary Finance meets with Kurdish representatives about the budget … and a last resort

03/19/2021 17:44:14

Parliamentary Finance meets with Kurdish representatives about the budget ... and a last resort{Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Parliamentary Finance Committee met, on Friday, with the Kurdish representatives on the budget, while it indicated that another option would be proposed.

“The Parliamentary Finance Committee held a meeting today, Friday, with Kurdish representatives to discuss the formula established by the committee in the federal budget after taking the remarks of members of parliament regarding the share of the Kurdistan region, before the parliamentary session. scheduled afternoon Friday to vote on a project going forward.
she Tamimi expressed hope to reach a final agreement with the Kurds during the meeting on their share to reach an agreed final version of them before putting the budget vote.
showed about the possibility of approving the budget so that not to the approval of the Kurdish MPs that it is possible that as It happened when the borrowing law was approved, but she indicated that it would be the last option and would be followed in the event that no agreement was reached regarding the region’s share in the budget.

And considered at the same time that approving the budget without the approval of the Kurds is not desirable, as it will affect the political process and cause conflicts and tension in relations with the political parties, noting that Parliament is working to reach an agreement, preserve rights and distribute wealth equitably to all regions of Iraq within the budget.

It is hoped that the House of Representatives will hold its special session on Friday to approve the General Budget Law for 2021.