Parliamentary Economy: The street will explode in the face of the government if the dollar continues to rise

Parliamentary Economy: The street will explode in the face of the government if the dollar continues to rise

Saturday 5 June 2021 | 09:23 AM

Parliamentary Economy - The street will explode in the face of the government if the dollar continues to riseThe Parliamentary Committee on Economy and Investment warned of the explosion of the street in the face of the government of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi in the event that the dollar price continues to rise, noting that the Iraqi market has been witnessing great confusion for days due to the instability of the dollar exchange rate .

Committee member Salem Al-Tufaili said, “The main reason for the continued rise in the dollar exchange rate is the lack of real government control over the Iraqi market, as well as the work of private banks and exchanges, which manipulate prices according to their interest without any oversight or accountability .”

Al-Tufaili added that “the rise in the dollar exchange rate, as well as foodstuffs and other materials, is behind some greedy traders, bank owners and money transfer companies, among the influential personalities, who have relations with some parties and political figures, who control the market as they wish according to government silence .”

He pointed out that “the Iraqi market has been witnessing great confusion for days due to the instability of the dollar exchange rate and the increase in the prices of materials again, and this matter requires the intervention of the competent government agencies, to control the situation, otherwise the Iraqi street will explode again in the face of the government and all the political class, Because of the difficult economic conditions he is going through.”