Parliamentary attempts to pass an amnesty law this year
Parliamentary attempts to pass an amnesty law this year
11/26/2015 0:00
Excludes those involved b {terrorism, drugs and human trafficking, incest and money laundering}
BAGHDAD – Shaima Rashid,
the House of Representatives is making extraordinary efforts to pass amnesty the controversial law, and despite the agreement of all the political blocs on the need for legislation as soon as possible, is that the differences on the categories covered by the law are still shop ebb and flow.
Between the parties calls for amendments to include broader segments, and others are trying to reduce the exceptions, the law remains Malhaly shelves Parliament awaiting unite visions and reach a compromise formula between the political forces. inclusion Mgaraa occupation member of the security and defense committee in Parliament MP for the Liberal bloc Majid Gharrawi, was a supporter of amendments to the General Amnesty Law, to include the release of innocent people with the exception of blood on his hands the blood of Iraqis and belonged to al-Qaeda and gangs of terrorist Daash. He Ghraoui «morning»: that «there are many people are currently in prison for Mgarathm the US occupation in the past last », calling for the discrimination of people convicted in accordance with Article 4 / terrorism for confidential informant. endorses Gharrawi, deputy Messenger Radi of the Liberal bloc also, according to a statement« morning »received a copy of it, the student« not include a general amnesty law all of the blood on their hands the blood of the innocent people of Iraq », stressing the need for the inclusion of resisters amnesty and release them and reward and compensation of the material and moral damage caused to them by the US occupation and previous government. five exceptions, for its part, the Legal Committee in the Parliament revealed the existence of a political agreement between the blocs to resolve the law general amnesty and approval, announcing the presence of more than 14 exception in the bill. She said committee member Ibtisam Hilali «morning»: The committee conducted amendments to the general amnesty law and reduced the exceptions of 12 exception to the 5 exceptions, pointing out that the law would not include those convicted Article 4 / terrorism and drug smuggling, human trafficking and incest. Hilali and suggested resolving the law during the next sessions of the House of Representatives, noting that the law will be put to a second reading in preparation for a vote very soon. The Deputy Chairman of the Committee MP Mohsen al-Sadoun, it was stated at a press conference with members of the committee in the House of Representatives, earlier, in the presence of «morning», that the number of exceptions in the draft general amnesty law more than 14 exception, noting that the Legal Committee decided not to include money laundering issues pardon. resolve close to the dispute, adding that the Commission has asked the Justice Department to provide it with the final Balahsaiah to the number of convicts and detainees in Iraqi jails, so that the Committee can exceptions evaluation, confirming the existence of the will of the House of Representatives and the political blocs for the legislation of the amnesty law in the coming period, hoping that «be enacted before the end of this year». in tolerance gate in turn, urged the Federation of Iraqi forces, the political blocs to put aside their differences and look into the responsibility for the completion of the draft general amnesty law today and agreement on the introduction of the vote during the upcoming sessions to be 2016, the year of tolerance and freedom from oppression line initiation of reconciliation national. The MP said the Union Mohammed Karbouli, in a statement «morning» received a copy of it: that the adoption of the amnesty law as a gate that will open wide the way for a road map of national reconciliation in Iraq », noting that the political partners the day before the exam to their credibility and responsibility legal and illegal are required to bypass this test successfully and approve a general amnesty law which will be the corner of the foundation of the civil state. The voice of the Council of Ministers during its meeting held in the sixteenth of the month of June, on the draft of the amnesty law and decided to submit it to the House of Representatives. and put Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi an end to the controversy when he said that the law does not include convicted of terrorism. He ended the House of Representatives at its meeting in July the first reading of the draft of the amnesty law, while the Council is trying to approval, but the objections and observations made by the blocks upon which hindered always.