Parliament first legislative term begins hearings today

Parliament first legislative term begins hearings today

1/19/2016 0:00

Parliament first legislative term begins hearings todayAmid expectations the presence of al-Abadi
Baghdad Shaima Rashid
House of Representatives begins today, the first session of the second legislative term of the second legislative enacted, read a number of laws «important» amid expectations the presence of Dr. Haider Abadi the meeting the Prime Minister. As they prepare parliamentary committees to ask the most prominent projects proposed laws, which believes its importance and the need to pass through this chapter. Laws on the doors of the legislation MP Jabbar Abdul-Khaliq al-Abadi, expected to be a Civil Service Law of the laws that will be approved because of its importance, saying in a statement »Sabah» yesterday : The «a lot of bills that the Commission is studying it, including the civil service law, and the law of accountants and auditors, as well as other laws will be completed in the period ahead». He said al-Abadi, a member of the Committee «money» parliamentary, he will be in session to discuss « the appeal presented by the government on some transfers conducted by the Commission in the paragraphs of the general budget despite negotiate with the government before approval », adding that« the Government’s objection was due to the transfer of expenses from the ministries of the Council believes that it is necessary .. ». As will also be discussed «Topic 3 and 4 percent, which was deducted from supplies service, which is opposed by the government because deducted affect the work of the government», according to the vice-Abadi, who stressed that «Iraq’s financial situation is difficult and that everyone knows that, but the government Mtkvlh to pay salaries and rumored inability to secure the salary is not true ». It should be noted, that the head of the House of Representatives, Dr. Saleem al-Jubouri, was announced last Sunday that parliament will hold its first session on Tuesday after the legislative recess, which lasted a full month. With pointed out that the Parliament will focus in the coming sessions on the legislation related to national reconciliation and the economic crisis, al-Jubouri, stressed the need to complete the reforms and legislation that have already been agreed upon. legislation to support the local product in the same context, noted member of the Economic Committee in the Parliament MP proof Mamouri, that «gas investment of laws which the Commission seeks law for approval, because of this law of importance ». He said Mamouri, in a statement» Sabah »yesterday: The« Economic Commission laws are many, but most of them withdrawn by the government, including gas investment law, which we demanded to speed in sending it to the Committee to enable consideration by the Commission on oil and energy Parliamentary », adding that« the adoption of this law will enhance the budget revenues to Iraq possessed of natural resources, including gas »He explained MP Mamouri, that there are some conventions that working committee to study concluded by the government with some countries, as well as work on activating Protection Act local product. important laws shared Attorney Mazen Mezni colleague Mamouri, about the importance of passing a law «oil and gas» In this session, stressing that the Act is one of the most prominent laws that committee «Energy» Parliamentary intends Tmrerh.oukal Mezni, told the «morning» : The «oil and gas law of the most important laws that the Commission is seeking to put in the new legislative term, especially as the political blocs cooperative in this regard, and that many of the leaders that she met the Commission aims to approval». He added that «this law, which a lot of items that solve the problems with the Kurdistan region », noting that the presence of law in force for the protection of the oil wealth is Manm.kma between Mezni, he said his committee« demanded more than once the government to expedite the sending oil and gas law », calling on the Commission to be more compatible in order to pass the law who is still with the government. the need for a political consensus in turn, explained committee member «legal» Parliamentary high Nassif, that «the legal private political reconciliation and the law of the Federal Court, which is one of the laws, which is building an important pillar of the state general amnesty, a judiciary committee would seek to put in sessions The new legislative term ». She said Nassif, in a statement» Sabah »yesterday«: there is a desire to decisively Federal Court Act, which is ready for a vote, especially that of great importance », calling on the President of the House of Representatives to put this law to vote« even if it did not receive political consensus »She added, that« the Legal Committee is part of the general political atmosphere, and when there is a product compatibility between the legislative and executive branches are legislation of laws », stop criticizing many of the laws because of the lack of political consensus around. It also stressed Nassif, the need for legislation provincial law «in order to reduce the number of members of the provincial, especially that we are in front of local elections», indicating that «the existing law to Ivy purpose». In the drafting process of MP from the Commission «security and defense» parliamentary Majid Gharrawi, stressed that the «government withdrew many of the laws of the House of Representatives for re-drafted and that Parliament awaiting these laws», noting that his committee demanded to expedite the sending related, such as the Ministry of Interior Act. He said Ghraoui «morning»: that «the Ministry of Interior Act has read the first reading and display for discussion .. but the Interior Ministry withdrew this law for more than four months, an official letter of order in accordance with the security situation to modify », indicating that the most prominent of what has been considered in the Act is the links between departments within Wazzarh.oadav, that« reconsider this law shows the keenness of the ministry to prepare the drafting of a strong law that guarantees its work effectively .. ».