Newspapers the world: America’s plans ready to strike Iran

Friday, May 18, 2012 11:46

BAGHDAD / agencies / .. 
Diversified international headlines on Friday, most notably the U.S. ambassador to Israel that Washington has plans

Iran ready to strike, and show proof pipe, chairman of the National Syrian opposition, his readiness to resign, in addition to North Korea to resume work in a nuclear reactor in preparation for a third nuclear test. The newspaper Hurriyet: in anticipation of the meeting of the Baghdad central about the Iranian nuclear dossier, said the U.S. ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, the U.S. plans to direct a possible strike on Iran is ready, and that the option “is available in full”, in remarks come days before the resumption of talks between the Tehran and world powers, which suspects Tehran of seeking nuclear weapons.

The ambassador said the U.S.: “We prefer to solve this (case) through diplomatic means, and through the use of pressure, without resort to military force.”

He added that this does not mean that the force option is not available in full, He added: “It is not available, but also ready .. Plans have been developed needed to be confident that it is ready.”

The U.S. diplomat’s comments coincided with confirmation of the Iranian chief nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, the Islamic Republic will not bow to Western pressure to halt its nuclear program will not never give up their rights.

The Times of Andia: resumed North Korea building process in the light water reactor at the site at Yongbyon in the north-east, in a move that could mean to increase the capacity of the communist system to produce more nuclear weapons, according to the newspaper quoted the Indian site “38 North”, which administered by the American Institute – Korea at Johns Hopkins.

The photos taken by satellites business on April 30 / April last, showed that North Korea has resumed work in the reactor after his arrest in December / December last, in a move that coincides with the rapid progress made by Pyongyang to conduct a nuclear test, a third, for the first time perhaps using highly enriched uranium, despite warnings from U.S. and China, according to the newspaper.

The Telegraph: add announcement proof pipe, head of the Syrian National Council, his willingness to withdraw from the presidency of the Council and resign immediately agree on a successor elected or consensus, along with the decision “to Jean-local coordination in Syria,” the state of chaos and fragmentation and defaults experienced by the Syrian opposition, which working to overthrow the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

The proof pipe that he entered the National Assembly, and before his presidency on the basis that a consensus candidate, adding: “and should not be cause for an electoral division, the division will not be a candidate.”

He added: “I now declare that I Satnhy after choosing a new candidate, whether elected or consensus,” according to British newspaper.

The statement pipe shortly after the declaration of “coordinating committees of local in Syria,” a group of activists made up of dissidents in the most prominent opposition strongholds across Syria, it had decided to refrain from participating in the work of the Council, and accused him to stay away from the spirit of the revolution. / Finished / cnn /