Newspaper: the Iraq war showed the risk of intelligence

25/02/2012 14:48

us army in IraqBeirut, February 24 (Rn) – seen by Gideon Rachman in the newspaper “Financial Times” that the British “the threat of war on Iran has become more serious than ever before despite the caveats that damage to this issue,” and warned against repeating the mistake to rely on intelligence information as was before the Iraq war . Rachtman said that “Israeli fears of Iran having a nuclear weapon is behind the conflict.” He said that the Israel of the development by Iran of its nuclear facilities under the ground, which made ​​the U.S. Secretary of Defense predicts a possible Israeli strike in the coming months.  He writes that “the other player in this case is in France and Britain, which are considering seriously the possibility of conflict with Iran, the IPDC more inclined to fight the Americans in contrast to their stance that preceded the war on Iraq. ” and re-started serious thought to the various parties to wage war on Iran, among other factors, the first of the fears of progress in Iran’s nuclear program is the same for everyone.  He noted that the success achieved in the conflict in Libya boosted confidence the feasibility of use of air power, especially with the advances in the technology of guided missiles via satellite, such as those adopted by NATO. and “The events led to reducing the number of soft targets, which may target Iran has closed the British embassy in Tehran last year and withdrew troops U.S. out of Iraq. ” The writer says that “listening to these factors or arguments for a long time makes it seem logical, but there are caveats should be borne by them that the war on Iraq showed the risks that may result from decisions based on intelligence information.” he added, saying that “war Iraq has shown also that wars often develop forms is difficult for politicians to predict. ” and concluded by saying that “Iran may not be able to retaliate effectively in Iraq, but may target NATO soldiers in Afghanistan, perhaps by providing the Taliban anti-aircraft missiles.” from: Khalil Hebron. Open: Murtaza Yousuf