More than one hundred million dollars spent by the United States on the development of its embassy in Baghdad

More than one hundred million dollars spent by the United States on the development of its embassy in Baghdad, the largest in the world

Posted 30/06/2012 04:22 AM

Embassy of the United States the largest in the world center of Baghdad’s Green Zone

Washington – “Liberation yards” of Ali Al-Shammari
U.S. State Department announced that it plans to spend $ 115 million on its embassy in Baghdad, which is built at a cost of $ 700 million, despite the announcement of the staff at the Ministry of Defense, “Pentagon” reduce the U.S. presence in Iraq.
And issued the “Office of Foreign Operations” of the U.S. State Department issued a statement in which he referred to the need for “a greater number of staff in the building of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, to enhance the facilities and real estate private diplomacy broadcasting space around Baghdad.”

The embassy, which is the biggest for the United States in the Green Zone in Baghdad and includes about 1,400 government employees as well as unknown numbers of contractors Americans and other nationalities, including Iraqis.
As opposed to the Vice-American on the “amounts deducted from the taxpayers to spend in Iraq,” also points out that newspaper “Washington Post”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sharply reduced the supposed extension of the program is estimated to cost U.S. billions of dollars to train Iraqi police. Program request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide 400 instructors, but the number was in the last month only 100 trainers. Because the program is not supported by senior Iraqi, the trainers, and most of them senior police officials of Americans, living under the protection of their guards security contracted, at the base of military operations advanced U.S. earlier, which is officially a building attached to the Police College in Baghdad, which has spent the United States about 100 million dollars on its establishment.
It is known that the leaders and Iraqi politicians recently made it clear they would prefer to conclude agreements for the development of military skills of their forces with Iran and reject the U.S. trainers.
Source: altahreernews