Minister of Finance Agency: Linking the budget for the current year with next year can not be applied

Minister of Finance Agency: Linking the budget for the current year with next year can not be applied

05/17/2014 15:38

Minister of Finance Agency-Linking the budget for the current year with next year can not be appliedThe Minister of Finance Agency purity of net debt, on Saturday that the issue of the integration of the current year’s budget with Moisma next year is my view can not be applied to Iraq it would cost huge losses.
Safi said for “tomorrow’s Press,” that “there is no solution in front of the House of Representatives is approving the budget during the legislative term of the current, which will not end unless it is approved,” adding that “more than six thousand existing project in all the provinces and ministries and institutions is Almrbth Ministry must The disbursement of funds is allocated to them within the budget of the current year in order to ensure the process of implementation of the projects assigned to them. ”
Safi said that “the delay in approving the budget hurts all parties, especially the Iraqi citizen who waits for representatives of the implementation of projects and quality control and follow-up steps to implement instead of working to disable it by not approving the budget.”
The Parliament and since the beginning of the current session in, the 21 of December 2010 and has so far witnessed disagreements and lack of consensus on many of the laws vital task such parties law and the law of oil and gas, the Unified Retirement Law and the proposed amendment to the election law, as well as the general amnesty law and others, underlining Observers that it is subject to political outbidding and the wishes of the leaders of parliamentary blocs.