Member of the Economic Commission: Proposal Arab single currency will support the Iraqi economy

On: Saturday 31/03/2012 9:09

Baghdad (news) .. A member of the Economic Commission MP / National Alliance / Amer winner that the proposal that was presented at a meeting of finance ministers Arabs in Baghdad to unify the currency of Arab and create a common market will support the economies of Arab countries, particularly the Iraqi economy. 
said Fayez (of the Agency news) on Saturday: you must not… forget that the principle of the Union means strength, and in order to unify Arab stances and political rapprochement and economic cooperation among them should be no economic integration Arab, through the consolidation of common markets and currency Arabic, which will support the economies of all the Arab countries, the fact that these countries have abundant large and in all sectors, whether agricultural, industrial or oil or tourism. 
He added, in the event of emergence of the integration of Arab economic and the issuance of a unified Arab currency, it will give economic power to all Arab countries including Iraq, because most Arab countries have the spring and became regimes where democracy after the dictatorship of the object to the establishment of such activities he said, adding that the opportunity is now appropriate to make the Arab economy enjoy development and prosperity. 
ministers of economy and finance Arabs Gather on Tuesday of last week in Baghdad as part of the meeting of Economic and Social Council of the Arab Arab League Summit has touched the subject of Arab economic integration and monetary union of Arab and making markets Arab joint . / Finished / 8. d. Q /